martedì 13 marzo 2018

Lista Trofei: Bit Dungeon Plus

Avventura roguelike 2D, sta per arrivare anche su piattaforme PlayStation. Lo farà però senza il supporto al Platino:

Trofei d'Argento:
  1. The collector - Collect 2.000 coins
  2. Gold Warrior - Collecting all gold elements

Trofei di Bronzo:
  1. Black Warrior - Collecting all black elements
  2. Murder - Kill 8.000 enemies
  3. Sparring - Lose 300 life points
  4. Tank - Block 200 damage with shield.
  5. Rich Man - Collect 8.000 coins
  6. Red Warrior - Collecting all red elements
  7. Purple Warrior - Collecting all purple elements
  8. Master Shield - Block 500 damage with shield.
  9. Blue Warrior - Collecting all blue elements
  10. Loser - Died 10 times
  11. Inmortal - Loose 8.000 life points
  12. Green Warrior - Collecting all green elements
  13. Good - Kill 40 Bosses
  14. Evil hunter - Kill 3.000 fiends
  15. Brown Warrior - Collecting all brown elements
  16. Zombie - Die 50 times

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