lunedì 3 giugno 2019

Lista Trofei: Asdivine Dios

RPG di stampo super classico, con tanto di versione PS Vita e supporto al Platino:

Trofeo di Platino:

  • World's Memoria - Obtained all the trophies.

Trofei d'Oro:

  1. Damage Dealer - Cleared the Gazillion Challenge.
  2. King of Treasure Hunting - Found all treasure chests.
  3. Servant of the Humans - Cleared all subquests.
  4. All Together - Found all the stray sprites.
  5. Our Beloved Izayoi - Obtained the ”Our Beloved Izayoi” ending.
  6. Weapon Master - Crafted a weapon with a rank of 999.
  7. Maidame's Honors - Cleared the Maid Cup at the battle arena.

Trofei d'Argento:

  1. A Deity's Legend - Obtained the ”A Deity's Legend” ending.
  2. Last Dream - Obtained the ”Last Dream” ending.
  3. Awakened by a Kiss - Obtained the ”Awakened by a Kiss” ending.
  4. He Who Watches Over the World - Obtained the ”He Who Watches Over the World” ending.
  5. Just the Two of Us - Obtained the ”Just the Two of Us” ending.
  6. Together Forever - Obtained the ”Together Forever” ending.
  7. Millennial Crush - Obtained the ”Millennial Crush” ending.
  8. Gold Honors - Cleared the Gold Cup at the battle arena.
  9. Silver Honors - Cleared the Silver Cup at the battle arena.
  10. Promise of a Distant Day - Obtained the ”Promise of a Distant Day” ending.

Trofei di Bronzo:

  1. First Step - Watched the opening.
  2. Bronze Honors - Cleared the Bronze Cup at the battle arena.
  3. All for One, One for All - Gathered a party of four.