Platino per il puzzle game, vediamo i dettagli:
Trofeo di Platino:
- Crystal Crusader - Earn all other trophies
Trofei d'Oro:
- Anaconda - Detonate a linked chain of 20 or more crystals
- Pro Status - Win ten Ranked online matches in a row
- Robots Rule - Beat the game with Astro Boy, Curly, Ninja and Quote
- Girl Power - Beat the game with all the female characters
- Win Streak - Win five Ranked online matches in a row
- Box Buster - Detonate a cluster with at least 18 crystals in it
- Five Spot - Perform a Quin-Crystal Combo
- Pull Out The Win - Win a round with your grid at least 90% full
Trofei d'Argento:
- Block Breaker - Detonate a cluster with at least 12 crystals in it
- Stiff Competition - Win a match without ever rotating a crystal pair
- Cute Worm - Detonate a linked chain of 10 or more crystals
- Hall Of Fame - Beat the game with Astro Boy and Black Jack
- Quad Squad - Perform a Quad-Crystal Combo
- Family Reunion - Beat the game with Aban, Jim, and Tina
- I Have The Power - Perform 10 different Bursts
Trofei di Bronzo:
- Young Grasshopper - Complete the Tutorial twice
- Toe In The Water - Play a Ranked online match
- The Friend Zone - Play an online match with a friend
- Tri-Hard - Perform a Tri-crystal Combo