sabato 25 maggio 2019

Lista Trofei: Word Wheel by POWGI

La "Settimana Enigmistica" continua, con un nuovo gioco. E c'è il Platino, anche questa volta:

Trofeo di Platino:

  • The Wheel McCoy - Collect all the trophies

Trofei d'Oro:

  1. Nice Set of Wheels - Find all the nine-letter words
  2. Keeping It Wheel - Find 100 words in a single puzzle

Trofei d'Argento:

  1. Mind Blown - Find the nine-letter words for "MIND"
  2. Full Stop - Find the nine-letter words for "STOP"
  3. Wave Goodbye - Find the nine-letter words for "WAVE"
  4. Beat Time - Find the nine-letter words for "TIME"
  5. Get Even - Find the nine-letter words for "EVEN"
  6. Joke's Over - Find the nine-letter words for "JOKE"
  7. Fuel Efficiency - Find the nine-letter words for "FUEL"
  8. Rain Check - Find the nine-letter words for "RAIN"
  9. Bold Faced - Find the nine-letter words for "BOLD"
  10. Pain Killer - Find the nine-letter words for "PAIN"
  11. Turn Around - Find the nine-letter words for "TURN"
  12. Fixed Wing - Find the nine-letter words for "WING"
  13. Without Envy - Find the nine-letter words for "ENVY"
  14. Hair Brained - Find the nine-letter words for "HAIR"
  15. Snow Capped - Find the nine-letter words for "SNOW"
  16. Top Spin - Find the nine-letter words for "SPIN"
  17. Fast Forward - Find the nine-letter words for "FAST"
  18. Wind Down - Find the nine-letter words for "WIND"
  19. Hint Taken - Find the nine-letter words for "HINT"
  20. Page Turner - Find the nine-letter words for "PAGE"
  21. Rail Pass - Find the nine-letter words for "RAIL"
  22. Type Cast - Find the nine-letter words for "TYPE"
  23. Band Leader - Find the nine-letter words for "BAND"
  24. Star Crossed - Find the nine-letter words for "STAR"
  25. Fair Play - Find the nine-letter words for "PLAY"
  26. Full Circle - Find every word in a single puzzle
  27. ... and I Would Find 500 More - Find 500 words

Trofei di Bronzo:

  1. Wheels In Motion - Find a nine-letter word
  2. Reinventing the Wheel - Find a bonus word
  3. Wheelie Mature - This is a famliy game!