sabato 25 maggio 2019

Lista Trofei: Warlock's Tower

Puzzle game, dove ogni mossa sbagliata comporta la perdita di una vita. C'è il Platino:

Trofeo di Platino:
  • Platinum mailman - Get all the trophies

Trofei d'Oro:
  1. Met the Fleye - Play a stage where there's a Fleye
  2. Completed the Chambers - Beat all Chambers stages
  3. Completed the Library - Beat all Library stages
  4. Completed the Warehouse - Beat all Warehouse stages
  5. Completed the Factory - Beat all Factory stages
  6. Completed the Dungeon - Beat all Dungeon stages
  7. Beat the Game - Finish the game
  8. Reached the Chambers - Reach the game's last world

Trofei d'Argento:
  1. Talked to Todd Torial - Talk to Puzzle Depot's Todd Torial
  2. Talked to Racketboy - Talk to the Racketboy himself
  3. Talked to Rubick - Talk to Möira's Rubick
  4. Met the Slime - Play a stage where there's a Slime
  5. Talked to the Hero - Talk to Lenda do Herói's Hero
  6. Reached the Library - Reach the game's fourth world
  7. Reached the Warehouse - Reach the game's third world
  8. Talked to Kim - Talk to Keen's Kim

Trofei di Bronzo:
  1. Talked to the Warlock - Talk to the Evil Warlock for the first time
  2. Got the Magic Flag - Get the Magic Flag artifact
  3. Met the Zombie - Play a stage where there's a Zombie
  4. Reached the Factory - Reach the game's second world
  5. Talked to Jess - Talk to Jess for the first time

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