domenica 11 giugno 2017

[Lista Trofei] Dragons Online

Una volta tanto, è uscito prima il gioco e poi la sua lista Trofei. Questi i dettagli, non c'è il Platino:

Trofei d'Oro:
  1. Natural born killer - Defeat a total of 100 Players and Enemies

Trofei d'Argento:
  1. PVP - Winning blow on a Player (PVP needs to be on for both players)
  2. Revenge probe - Winning blow on a Tripod

Trofei di Bronzo:
  1. Down a Phoenix - Winning blow on a Phoenix
  2. Early Bird - Winning blow on a CaveWorm
  3. Beauty killed the Beast - Winning blow on a Fairy
  4. Baa humbug - Sacrificed a Sheep
  5. Now its personal - Customise your Dragon
  6. SODA Quest - Talk to all NPCs (Scientist, Orphanage, Doctor, Artist)
  7. Mine - Claimed a Nest
  8. Hatchlings - Hatched a Baby Dragon from a nest
  9. Is there anybody there - Speak in chat
  10. Nosey Parker - View a profile in chat
  11. Thank you bonus - Receive menu support reward