martedì 18 giugno 2019

Lista Trofei: 198X

Una storia da raccontare, tanti omaggi da giocare. Una collection nella sostanza, un'Esperienza da vivere. E c'è il Platino:

Trofeo di Platino:
  • Welcome to 198X - Unlock every trophy in the game.

Trofei d'Oro:
  1. Continue? - Complete 198X.
  2. Shadow dancer - Complete Shadowplay without taking damage.
  3. Bare knuckle - Complete Beating Heart without dying or using pick-ups.
  4. Kill 'Em All - Destroy every enemy in Out of the Void without losing a life.
  5. Hard drivin' - Complete The Runaway without a single collision.
  6. Playing with power - Collect all power-ups in Shadowplay.
  7. Mastermind - Complete the Kill Screen maze using only super effective attacks.
  8. Overclocked - Reach level MAX in Kill Screen.
  9. THANK YOU FOR PLAYING!!! - Watch the end credits all the way through – thank you backers!

Trofei d'Argento:
  1. Welcome to Suburbia - Complete Beating Heart.
  2. Back to school - Complete Out of the Void.
  3. I drove all night - Complete The Runaway.
  4. Darklands - Complete Shadowplay.
  5. Blackout - Complete Kill Screen.

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