giovedì 16 maggio 2019

Lista Trofei: Predator VR

Da non confondere con il recentemente annunciato Predator: Hunting Ground, questo qui si gioca con PS VR. Info scarse al momento, Platino assente:

Trofei d'Argento:
  1. Ain't got time to bleed - Clear Secret Base without dying.
  2. Sexual Tyrannosaurus - Clear Jungle without dying.
  3. Nasty habit you got there - Get 15 trophy kills in one round.

Trofei di Bronzo:
  1. Other worldly annihilation - Survive 1 wave in Rampage mode.
  2. Melon! You son of a... - Shoot the watermelon in Secret Base.
  3. Bloodthirsty - Win a multiplayer round as the Predator.
  4. If it bleeds, we can kill it - Win a multiplayer round as a human.
  5. I'm here! Come on! Do it now! - Complete a multiplayer match.
  6. In a world of hurt - Survive 5 waves in Rampage mode.
  7. Get to the choppa! - Escape the Jungle.
  8. Gonna have me some fun - Get a headshot on a Narco.
  9. What the hell are you? - Kill the Predator in Secret Base.
  10. Cold War Combat - Survive the Engine Room fight in Secret Base.
  11. Don't mind me, Mr. Gorbachev - Stealth kill all enemies in the first two rooms in Secret Base.
  12. America is here, comrades - Stealth kill the first enemy in Secret Base.
  13. Dropped in a meat grinder - Survive the fight in the Village.
  14. Old Painless is waiting - Use the minigun to beat the Predator.
  15. Makes Cambodia look like Kansas - Shoot the snake in Jungle.

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