venerdì 17 maggio 2019

Lista Trofei: Guilty Gear

Il classico picchiaduro, anche su PS4. Platino assente:

Trofei d'Oro:
  1. GUILTY GEAR - Clear Normal Mode with all characters

Trofei d'Argento:
  1. Here Comes A Daredevil - Defeated Baiken
  2. The Lone Gear - Defeated Justice

Trofei di Bronzo:
  1. Keep Yourself Alive - Clear Normal Mode with Sol
  2. Holy Orders - Clear Normal Mode with Ky
  3. Suck A Sage - Clear Normal Mode with Chipp
  4. Pride And Glory - Clear Normal Mode with Kliff
  5. In Slave's Glory - Clear Normal Mode with Potemkin
  6. Unidentified Child - Clear Normal Mode with May
  7. The March Of The Wicked King - Clear Normal Mode with Axl
  8. Black Soul - Clear Normal Mode with Zato=1
  9. Writhe In Pain - Clear Normal Mode with Millia
  10. Suspicious Cook - Clear Normal Mode with Dr.Baldhead

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