mercoledì 1 maggio 2019

Lista Trofei: Bird Game +

Siamo nei panni di un volatile (uccello suonava brutto), voleremo in mondi monocromatici e che scopriremo man mano. E guadagneremo dei Trofei, tra cui un Platino:

Trofeo di Platino:
  • Platinum Bird - Get all the trophies

Trofei d'Oro:
  1. The Battle - Reach to the first boss fight
  2. Mach 10 - Defeat the Bug Bros
  3. It's a Trap - Reach to the second boss fight
  4. In the Dark - Complete a level in Dark Mode
  5. High Speeds - Get a speed boost
  6. Fishing - Catch a fish
  7. Recovery - Recover some health with the collectables
  8. Learning How to Fly - Reach a score of 50 on endless mode
  9. Practicing Flying - Reach a score of 100 on endless mode
  10. Flying Exam - Reach a score of 150 on endless mode
  11. Mastering the Wings - Reach a score of 200 on endless mode

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