sabato 9 marzo 2019

Lista Trofei: Cave Digger: Riches

Minatori in VR, questa l'idea di VRkiwi e Mekiwi. C'è il Platino:

Trofeo di Platino:

  • End: Dimensional War - Send the nuke into another dimension

Trofei d'Oro:

  1. Blind Pass - Toss a valuable into the bin without looking
  2. My Preciousss - Bring a valuable with you to a new run
  3. Frutti Di Spelunca - Eat a mushroom
  4. Mine Everything - Mine every valuable from a single floor
  5. End: Apocalypse - You brought about nuclear war. Great job!
  6. End: Nuke the overworld - Trigger the nuke in the saloon
  7. End: Space Elevator - Launch yourself into space
  8. End: Unlock the Mystery Vault - Find the 4 keys and unlock the ultimate secret
  9. End: Chaos Gauntlet - Become a new deity
  10. End: Useless Tech - Unlock Self referential irony mode

Trofei d'Argento:

  1. Luck With The Drill - Drill an oil pocket without scanning
  2. Careful With That Candle Eugene - Poke yourself in the eye with the candle

Trofei di Bronzo:

  1. I Have The Power - Use only a pickaxe for the duration of a run
  2. Explode In Hand - Let an explosive explode in your hand

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