giovedì 14 febbraio 2019

Lista Trofei: Legendary Eleven

Gioco di calcio Arcade, ispirato a quelli usciti nei gloriosi anni 70, 80, 90. Merita il "Bollino PSE" ed entra ufficialmente nella Wish List di questo sito, anche se non ha il Trofeo di Platino:

Trofei di Bronzo:

  1. First Victory - Win 1 match
  2. Winner - Win 25 games
  3. Champion - Win 100 games
  4. African Champion - Win Africa Cup
  5. Asia Champion - Win Asia Cup
  6. American Champion - Win America Cup
  7. Europe Champion - Win Europe Cup
  8. World Champion - Win World Cup
  9. Red Champion - Win the World Cup with USSR
  10. Natural Born Forward - Score 50 goals
  11. Leading Scorer - Score 500 goals
  12. 100 Super Shots! - Perform 100 Super Shots
  13. Trickster - Do 25 successful dribbles
  14. Trying Reserves - Do 3 substitutions
  15. Fresh Reserves - Do 100 substitutions
  16. Penalty! - Score 1 penalty goal
  17. Bicycle Kicks Ace - Score 20 goals with a bicycle kick after a cross
  18. Red Card - Get 1 player expelled by the referee
  19. Last Minute Win - Win a game scoring in the last minute
  20. Trading Stickers - Unlock 16 stickers
  21. All Stickers Unlocked! - Unlock all 32 stickers in the game

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