venerdì 15 febbraio 2019

Lista Trofei: Ghoulboy - Dark Sword of Goblin

Action/Platform 2D "vecchio stile", sviluppato da Serkan Bakar. Il Platino c'è:

Trofeo di Platino:

  • Ghoulboy Master - Obtain all trophies

Trofei d'Oro:

  1. Killed first boss - Kill the first boss
  2. Kill the Zakkul - Kill the second boss
  3. 10 levels completed - Complete 10 levels
  4. Pass the Samora - Pass the Samora level
  5. End of game - Finish all the levels
  6. Zombie - Die 30 times
  7. Rich man - Obtain 5000 coins
  8. Sales man - Buy all upgrades
  9. Pitcher - Throwable 100 objects
  10. 20 levels completed - Complete 20 levels
  11. Big Sword - Big Sword

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