martedì 9 ottobre 2018

Lista Trofei: Paper Dolls

Avventura horror da vivere in prima persona e con il visore (PS)VR ben indossato. E c'è il Platino:

Trofeo di Platino:

  • The Over Is Just Begin - Everything is just beginning

Trofei d'Oro:

  1. The Last Step - Climb the last stage stairs
  2. The Real World - Complete the game on Normal mode
  3. All Staff Members - Complete staff illustrations
  4. Daily Collector - Collect all Mr.Liu's diary
  5. Puzzle Expert - Solve all puzzles
  6. Highest Rating - Get S rating

Trofei d'Argento:

  1. YinZhong - Seal YinZhong
  2. DingXiang - Seal DingXiang
  3. I Am Not A Coward - Complete the game on Coward mode
  4. Agile - Not injured by vase of teahouse
  5. Roaming First Floor - Open all doors
  6. Puzzle Master - Solve five puzzles
  7. WangYong - Seal WangYong

Trofei di Bronzo:

  1. There Are Ghosts Here - Attacked by Nanny Chen
  2. Mr.Liu - Seal Mr.Liu
  3. First Puzzle - Solve the first puzzle
  4. Mischief - Solved Ming‘s distress
  5. Hanging - Finding that DingXiang hanged
  6. Mr.Liu's Diary - Collect the first diary of Mr.Liu
  7. Healing - Bandaged injured hand
  8. Nobody Shall Pass - Attacked by YinZhong and WangYong
  9. Transform - Attacked by DingXiang
  10. Hide And Seek - Hide in the closet
  11. Ming - Seal Ming
  12. Controlled By Ghost - Escape the control of ghost in the wareroom
  13. Enter Nowhere - Attacked by Mr.Liu
  14. Nanny_Chen - Seal Nanny Chen