domenica 8 luglio 2018

Lista Trofei: Battle Chef Brigade

Action adventure 2D decisamente singolare, dove si va a caccia per recuperare ingredienti per cucinare succulenti piatti. Manca il Platino:

Trofei d'Oro:

  1. Heroine of Victusia - Complete Story Mode on Hard

Trofei d'Argento:

  1. Until Next Time - Complete Story Mode
  2. Butter My Biscuits! - Beat the game without losing a duel

Trofei di Bronzo:

  1. Hunter - Complete all of Thorn's Hunts
  2. Alchemist - Complete all of Belchior's Puzzles
  3. Restauranteur - Complete all of Pontida's Jobs
  4. Brigadier - Join the Brigade as Mina
  5. Fast Food - Win a round with over 2 minutes remaining on the match clock
  6. You Rogue! - Win a duel without using the theme ingredient
  7. Michelin Starred - Make a dish worth 450 points or more
  8. Mixologist - Reach a combo multiplier of 10
  9. Light on Her Feet - Kill 3 enemies without touching the ground
  10. Monster Mash - Use Thrash's Heavy Attack to smash a monster into 3 others
  11. Well Practiced - Win the practice match against Thrash

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