martedì 13 marzo 2018

Lista Trofei: Gal*Gunvolt Burst

Action/Platform 2D "alla Mighty n.9", c'è il Platino. Ecco i dettagli:

Trofeo di Platino:
  • BURST MASTER - Obtain every other trophy

Trofei d'Oro:
  1. NO TIME WASTED - Beat the final stage in under 10 minutes
  2. STICKING WITH IT - Clear all stages using Custom Slot No. 1
  3. FULLY DECKED OUT - Clear a stage with 6000+ CP of equipment
  4. UP THE ANTE - Clear the game on Hard difficulty
  5. SUPER SPRINTER - Clear the game in under 1 hour
  6. TRANCE - Get a Burst Combo of 50+ & clear a stage
  7. IN YOUR ELEMENT - Beat all bosses using their weaknesses

Trofei d'Argento:
  1. EUPHORIA - Get a Burst Combo of 30+ & clear a stage
  2. GET EQUIPPED - Clear a stage with 4000+ CP of equipment
  3. FULL MARKS - Clear a stage with an "S" rank
  4. NOT EVEN A SCRATCH - Clear a stage without taking any damage
  5. ELITE ANGEL - Clear the game as Ekoro
  6. OVERSURGE - Clear the game as Gunvolt
  7. WE ARE MIGHTY - Clear the game as Beck

Trofei di Bronzo:
  1. WELCOME TO THE VR WORLD - Clear the opening stage
  2. ELATION - Get a Burst Combo of 10+ & clear a stage
  3. UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL - Defeat a boss using Burst
  4. PARADOX - Clear a stage without using any Bursts
  5. PRIMED AND READY - Clear a stage with 1500+ CP of equipment
  6. GEARED UP - Clear a stage with 2000+ CP of equipment
  7. THE MIGHTIEST OF ALL - Defeat all 8 of the Mighty Numbers
  8. CREDIT WHERE CREDIT'S DUE - Earn a score of 1000 during the credits