domenica 4 marzo 2018

Lista Trofei: Fear Effect Sedna

Chi l'avrebbe mai detto, eh? Un nuovo episodio di Fear Effect... e si potrà guadagnare pure un Platino:

Trofeo di Platino:
  • Fear Pefect - You earned all trophies

Trofei d'Oro:
  1. Friend of Glas - You took Glas's side at the end of the game
  2. The great escape - Complete the puzzle of the Tanker in 7 actions
  3. Master of infiltration - Complete the level of the boat's deck without being detected
  4. The undecided - You didn't take a side at the end of the game
  5. Friend of Hana - You took Hana's side at the end of the game
  6. The scholar - Read every document in the game

Trofei d'Argento:
  1. The strategist - Kill 50 enemies with the tactical pause
  2. The scarecrow - Draw the attention of 20 enemies with the lure of Rain
  3. Forgive me - Kill Rain stealthily in Hana's Hell
  4. Rapid spying - Complete the gala without taking more glasses on the buffet
  5. The vampire - Restore 75% of your health with the life steal of Atiqtalik
  6. The engineer - Kill 3 enemies with a single turret of Glas
  7. Burn baby burn - Kill 20 enemies with the burn damages of the flamethrower of Deke
  8. Manipulation - Make an enemy kill their ally with the confusion of Axel
  9. 3 in 1 - Kill 3 enemies with a single bouncing bullet of Hana
  10. The specialist - Kill 50 enemies with skills
  11. The assassin - Kill 50 enemies stealthily

Trofei di Bronzo:
  1. Into the unknown - You survived Atiqtalik's wrath
  2. First Mission - You began the adventure
  3. Back to the open air - You discovered strange experiments
  4. Mythology specialist - You learned more about inuit mythology
  5. Tourist - You recruited new teammates
  6. One stays, the other leaves - You saved Glas, but not Rain...
  7. Summit Meeting - You got through Hell

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