domenica 22 ottobre 2017

[Lista Trofei] Slayaway Camp

Un simpatico e decisamente interessante puzzle game con visuale isometrica, c'è il Platino. Questi i dettagli:

Trofeo di Platino:
  • Slasher - Collect all trophies to unlock the platinum trophy.

Trofei d'Oro:
  1. Number of the Best - Kill 666 victims across all Slayaway Camp movies.
  2. Little Shop of Horrors - Unlock 13 Gore Packs.

Trofei d'Argento:
  1. Galaxy of Terror - Complete Slayaway Camp X "Space Camp".
  2. Cannonball? Run! - Unlock the gorepack called Ball'd Faced Lier.
  3. Blow Out - Unlock the gorepack called Puffed Up.
  4. Day of the Dead - Unlock the gorepack called Cinco de Slayo.
  5. Lawnmower Man - Unlock the gorepack called Party's Over.
  6. Sheer Terror - Unlock the gorepack called Pruned.
  7. Hellraiser - Unlock the gorepack called Demonized.
  8. Milton's Revenge - Unlock the gorepack called Face Stapled.
  9. Final Destination - Get a score of 25 in Faces of Killed 3.
  10. Pupper Master - Unlock 13 Killers using the Mystery Box.

Trofei di Bronzo:
  1. Rest in Pieces - Kill a victim with a Landmine.
  2. The Bees - Unlock the gorepack called Not the Bees.
  3. Firestarter - Unlock the gorepack called Charbroiled.
  4. Creepshow - Unlock 5 Killers using the Mystery Box.
  5. The Hunger - Kill a victim by knocking over a fridge onto them.
  6. Nailed It! - Unlock the gorepack called Pincusioned.
  7. Psycho Cop - Kill 30 dumb cops across all Slayaway Camp movies.
  8. Maniac Cop - Kill a dumb cop.
  9. Blend It Like Beckham - Unlock the gorepack called Juiced.
  10. The Texas Pitchfork Massacre - Unlock the gorepack called Spronged.
  11. Killer of the Elite - Kill a swat cop.
  12. Gory-gami - Unlock the gorepack called Origami'd.
  13. Slay It Again, Sam - Unlock the gorepack called C-flat Face.
  14. Grindhouse - Get a score of 5 in Faces of Killed 3.
  15. The Grudge - Get a score of 10 in Faces of Killed 3.
  16. The Purge - Get a score of 13 in Faces of Killed 3.
  17. I Am Legend - Get a score of 20 in Faces of Killed 3.
  18. Needful Things - Unlock 1 Gore Pack.
  19. See No Evil - Unlock the gorepack called Double Blind.
  20. Six Feet Under - Kill a victim by scaring them into a hole.
  21. The Mummy - Complete Slayaway Camp 2.5 "Another Return to Slayaway Camp".
  22. Prince of Darkness - Kill a victim when the lights are off.
  23. Shocker - Kill a victim by scaring them into an electric fence.
  24. Fire Walk With Me - Kill a victim by scaring them into a fire.
  25. The Deep - Kill a victim by scarin them into water.
  26. Faster, Pussycat! - Get through a level with a cat without killing it.
  27. Cabin in the Woods - Complete Slayaway Camp.
  28. Part II - Complete Slayaway Camp 2 "Return to Slayaway Camp".
  29. Carnival of Souls - Complete Slayaway Camp 3D "The Abusement Park".
  30. The Silencer - Unlock the gorepack called Grenade!.
  31. The Faculty - Complete Slayaway Camp 4 "Slash'em High".
  32. Deep Rising - Complete Slayaway Camp 5 "Bloodbath Beach".
  33. House of 100 Corpses - Kill 100 victims across all Slayaway Camp movies.
  34. Graveyard Shift - Complete Slayaway Camp 7 "Office Hours".
  35. Frankenweenie - Complete Slayaway Camp 8 "Manhattan Manslaughter".
  36. Child's Play - Unlock one new psycho killer using the Mystery Box.
  37. My Bloody Valentine - Unlock the gorepack called Broken Heart.
  38. Flatliners - Complete Slayaway Camp 6 "Fatality Ward".

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