domenica 22 ottobre 2017

[Lista Trofei] Fishing Master

L'ennesimo gioco di pesca, ma con due spunti: supporta PS VR e prevede anche il Platino:

Trofeo di Platino:
  • Fishing Master - Complete all trophy

Trofei d'Oro:
  1. 5-star Expert - Caught 10 5-star fish
  2. Millionaire - Purchased 100,000 coins worth of product.
  3. Hundred - Accomplished 100 daily tasks.
  4. Giant Monster - Caught 1 fish that longer than 2m.
  5. Ocean Master - Won 3 Pro Tours
  6. Hercules - Catch the total weight of 1000kg fish.

Trofei d'Argento:
  1. Bumper Crop - Got 10,000 coins from aquarium at a time.
  2. Richman - Purchased 50,000 coins worth of product.
  3. Ten - Accomplished 10 daily tasks.
  4. Pundit - Catch all kinds of fish
  5. Won't Buy Anymore - Purchased the most advanced reel.
  6. Don't Want Anymore - Purchased the most advanced rod.
  7. Strongman - Catch the total weight of 500kg fish.
  8. 4-star Expert - Caught 10 4-star fish
  9. Lake Master - Won 2 Pro Tours
  10. Lunker - Caught 1 fish that longer than 1m.
  11. World champion - Won a world championship

Trofei di Bronzo:
  1. Won't Die of Hunger - Caught 5 fish of any species
  2. 3-star Expert - Caught 10 3-star fish
  3. River Master - Won 1 Pro Tour
  4. One - Accomplished 1 daily task.
  5. Little Fish - Caught 1 fish that longer than 50cm.
  6. Affluent - Purchased 10,000 coins worth of product.
  7. Hic... - Consumed 20 bottles of soda
  8. Diligent and Thrifty - Repaired equipment 1 time
  9. Harvest - Got 5,000 coins from aquarium at a time.
  10. Short of Supply! - Consumed 20 fishing lines