sabato 30 settembre 2017

[Lista Trofei] Deer Hunter: Reloaded

Altro simulatore di caccia per PS4, c'è il Platino. E questi sono i dettagli:

Trofeo di Platino:
  • Perfectionist - Unlock all other Trophies

Trofei d'Oro:
  1. We're Gonna Need a Bigger Wall - Bag a Monster of every trophy animal and dangerous animal type (core game)
  2. See you next season! - Complete the main campaign
  3. Master Big Game Hunter - Master all 9 trophy animals (core game)
  4. Zeus the Moose - Bag Zeus the Moose
  5. Lawrence Elk - Bag Lawrence the Elk
  6. Bringer of Boom - Purchase a level 8+ weapon
  7. Ramsey - Bag Ramsey

Trofei d'Argento:
  1. The Collector - Purchase every weapon (core game)
  2. North! To Alaska! - Unlock Alaska
  3. Big League Hunting - Reach level 10
  4. I Can See Forever! - Fully upgrade the binoculars
  5. Master Hunter II - Master 5 trophy animals
  6. No Small Task - Bag 100 small trophy animals
  7. Lead Peddler - Purchase a level 4+ weapon

Trofei di Bronzo:
  1. Hunting License - Unlock Colorado
  2. Quack Attack - Complete 10 bird hunts
  3. Tag! - Tag a monster animal with the binoculars
  4. Tracker - Tag an animal and kill it in a different hunting area
  5. New Digs! - Purchase a new weapon
  6. Here We Go… - Reach level 2
  7. Long Shot - Get a vital shot at 200+ yards
  8. Hat Trick - In one hunt, bag one of each type of trophy animal in a region
  9. Take a Nap - Prone on the bedroll
  10. Bottom of the food chain - Be killed by a dangerous animal
  11. Heads Up! - Get a headshot on a dangerous animal
  12. Master Hunter - Master a trophy animal
  13. One For the Wall - Bag a Monster trophy animal
  14. Whoops… - Bag a doe/cow