Action adventure esplorativo, pochi Trofei ma buoni. C'è il Platino:
Trofeo di Platino :
- Platinum - Platinum Trophy
Trofei d'Oro :
- In Circles - We see only the flowers that are under our feet.
- Practice - Take it all in.
- Maverick - Water is safe. Even from a high distance.
- Something Went Terribly Wrong - An experiment can go two ways: It can either go wrong or it can fail.
- Creation of a Forest - Make a tree grow. Die. Repeat.
- Listen - Seek advice from many sources.
- Walk, Don’t Run - The wolves are vicious. Be careful, but stay calm.
- Making Friends - Take us along, we’re friends.
- The Only Way Out is to Finish the Game - There is no common tale of how this world will end.
- The Cartographer - Discover the world with the mindset of a pioneer.
Trofei d'Argento :
- Hidden Place - Uncover the secrets of the caves.
- Lost in the Woods - There is pleasure in the pathless woods.