mercoledì 26 aprile 2017

[Lista Trofei] Boiling Bolt

Interessante twin stick shooter, non ha una data di uscita precisa ma il rilascio della lista Trofei fa ben sperare. Vediamo i dettagli della medesima:

Trofei d'Oro :
  1. World tour - You did it! You beat every level

Trofei d'Argento :
  1. Zero to hero - All challenge clear

Trofei di Bronzo :
  1. Defensive decision - Level 1 complete
  2. Ice shard - Level 2 complete
  3. Tear of fire - Level 3 complete
  4. Grain of the past - Level 4 complete
  5. Broken dream - Oh my God! You killed Enkidd
  6. A new star is born - First S rank
  7. Just the beggining - One step to be the very best
  8. Good job soldier - 10 challenge complete
  9. You have to start - Buy one stuff in shop
  10. BFF - To several is better
  11. Hardworker - Really?? Are you ready now?