giovedì 13 giugno 2019

Lista Trofei: Dragon Star Varnir

Il GDRG (Gioco Di Ruolo Giapponese) pare abbia un Platino relativamente semplice, di sicuro gli appassionati del genere possono godersi un nuovo e buon videogame. Ecco l'elenco degli Obiettivi nel dettaglio:

Trofeo di Platino:
  • The Witch Who Holds the Truth - Obtained all trophy

Trofei d'Oro:
  1. A Witch on a Mission - Reported more than 80% of quests
  2. Dragon Expert - Completed 80% of the enemy list
  3. Incomparable Witch - Dominated a dungeon after clearing the game

Trofei d'Argento:
  1. Laponette's Ending - You've seen Laponette's epilogue
  2. Passionate Sister - Received a gift from a little sister twenty times
  3. Master Mixer - Created a [+10] elixir
  4. The Witch of Elixirs - Created an elixir 100 times
  5. Witch Factor - Unlocked over 200 factors
  6. After the Dragon Elixir - Defeated an elixir dragon fifty times
  7. Dragon Domination - Used Dragon Awakening 100 times
  8. Dragon Eater - Devoured 100 dragons
  9. The Unyielding Witch - Cleared the Hard difficulty
  10. Faria's Ending - You've seen Faria's epilogue
  11. Charlotta's Ending - You've seen Charlotta's epilogue
  12. Mad Ending - Received the Mad Ending
  13. Karikaro's Endin - You've seen Karikaro's epilogue
  14. Minessa's Ending - You've seen Minessa's epilogue
  15. The Ultimate Path - Raise a characters level over 99

Trofei di Bronzo:
  1. Normal Ending - Received the Normal Ending
  2. Chapter 5: Cleared - Completed Chapter 5
  3. Chapter 1: Cleared - Completed Chapter 1
  4. Loving Sister - Received a gift from a little sister for the first time
  5. Chapter 2: Cleared - Completed Chapter 2
  6. Talented Mixer - Created a [+3] elixir
  7. Chapter 3: Cleared - Completed Chapter 3
  8. The First Elixir - Created an elixir for the first time
  9. Chapter 4: Cleared - Completed Chapter 4
  10. First Mission Complete - Reported a quest for the first time
  11. First Factor Release - Released a factor for the first time
  12. The Awoken Blood - Won a battle for the first time
  13. Chapter 6: Cleared - Completed Chapter 6
  14. Chapter 11: Cleared - Completed Chapter 11
  15. Chapter 7: Cleared - Completed Chapter 7
  16. Knowledge Seeker - Completed 50% of the enemy list
  17. Chapter 8: Cleared - Completed Chapter 8
  18. First Dragon Awakening - Used Dragon Awakening for the first time
  19. Chapter 9: Cleared - Completed Chapter 9
  20. First Prey - Devoured a dragon for the first time
  21. Chapter 10: Cleared - Completed Chapter 10
  22. First Summoning - Defeated an elixir dragon for the first time