martedì 7 maggio 2019

Lista Trofei: VA-11 HALL-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action (versione PS4)

Rispetto all'elenco PS Vita, gli Obiettivi sono praticamente gli stessi ma alcune descrizioni cambiano. Vediamole insieme:

Trofeo di Platino:

  • Jill of all trades - Get all achievements

Trofei d'Oro:

  1. Employee of the month - Get ALL the flawless service bonuses
  2. On a hacking pilgrimage - Serving a certain drink to a hacker will bring another hacker to the bar
  3. A different breed of cat - Serving certain drink to one cat might bring another cat to the bar
  4. An old friend - A certain drink might bring Dana's old friend to the bar.
  5. In the name of beauty! - Win a video game

Trofei d'Argento:

  1. Hey Jules - Play a video game
  2. Cozy Hell - Get the "Bad" ending
  3. Focus! - Make sure Jill doesn't get distracted even once
  4. Tim's Curry - Help a guy open his curry stand
  5. Dorothinquisition! - Get Dorothy's ending
  6. Sisterly bonding - Get Alma's ending
  7. I feel like an adult - Make sure Jill pays all of her bills
  8. Hit the jukebox - Unlock all the songs
  9. And now, for something completely different… - Get to the good ending
  10. Listen to my song! - Attend a concert
  11. Living with style - Unlock all the decoration options
  12. So unnecessary - Fill the room with all the clutter

Trofei di Bronzo:

  1. Flawless Service - Complet any one day without any mistakes made.
  2. I know what I said - Sometimes a wrong drink can be the right thing
  3. Cyberfunk - Decorate Jill's room in the most flamboyant way possible
  4. G'evening - The chapter's name means "First"
  5. Coming right up - This chapter's name means "Bitter"
  6. Caci... que? - It's not everyday a client gives you a gift
  7. Time to mix drinks and save lives - And this one means "Sweet". Ain't that sweet?
  8. Deep breaths - Chat behind the bar with a bandaged girl
  9. Welcome to Valhalla! - What can I get you?
  10. Welcome back! - Here for another round?
  11. Don't call me Becky! - Chat with Becky behind the bar
  12. I like it, okay? - Fill your playlist (ALL of it) with a song you like
  13. Please come again - And thank you for playing
  14. Did you miss me? - A-Anna?
  15. Underappreciated drink - There's a drink nobody asks for...
  16. (´・ω・`) - You don't need to be in a stream to see the audience react

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