martedì 30 aprile 2019

Lista Trofei: Undead Horde

Un po Action, un po RPG, un po strategico, un po hack'n'slash. Ci sono non-morti, ondate di non-morti. E c'è il Platino:

Trofeo di Platino:
  • Omnipotence - Unlock all other trophies.

Trofei d'Oro:
  1. Summoner - Unlock all the basic statues.
  2. Necronomicon - Acquire the legendary Necronomicon.
  3. Explorer - Find all secrets.
  4. Adventurer - Find and complete all quests.
  5. Conqueror - Claim all areas.
  6. A Thousand Corpses - Raise 1000 corpses.
  7. Second Era - Start the second Era.

Trofei d'Argento:
  1. Rule Citadel - Claim all areas in the Citadel.
  2. Undead Trainer - Command a single unit to kill 20 enemies.
  3. Re-Animator - Raise 15 corpses at once.
  4. Rule Wastelands - Claim all areas in the Wastelands.
  5. Rule Burning Rock - Claim all areas in Burning Rock.
  6. The Lidless Eye Socket - Scout all areas.
  7. Horde - Raise a horde of 50 undead.

Trofei di Bronzo:
  1. Rule Alwyn - Claim all areas in Alwyn.
  2. Heroism - Summon a hero from a hero statue.
  3. Scrooge McDead - Gain 600000 gold.
  4. Death Dealer - Sell 20 skulls.
  5. Salmonella - Use ring of plague to infect the living via chickens.
  6. Rule Catacombs - Claim all areas in the Catacombs.
  7. Grim Reaper - Kill three humans with a single scythe sweep.
  8. Pentagrammaton - Reach level 5.
  9. Kinahmo Fried Chicken - Slaughter 100 chickens.
  10. Werechicken - Chickenify 20 enemies.

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