sabato 13 aprile 2019

Lista Trofei: Snooker Nation Championship 2019

Un nuovo simulatore di biliardo, specialità Snooker. Platino interessante, soprattutto per gli appassionati del genere:

Trofeo di Platino:
  • Snooker Master - You have become a snooker Master!

Trofei d'Oro:
  1. Cash Prizes - Win a 'play for cash' match
  2. Machine Beater - Beat the AI in versus
  3. Onwards and Upwards - Win the Quarter Final of the championship
  4. One More Hurdle - Win the Semi Final of the championship
  5. Beat the Best - Win the final of the championship
  6. Snooker World Champion - Won the Snooker World Championship!
  7. Breaking New Ground - Get a break of 75 points
  8. Centurion - Get a break of 100
  9. Flawless - Achieve a snooker maximum break of 147

Trofei d'Argento:
  1. Winner - Win your first match
  2. A solid start - Win the first round of the championship
  3. The Snooker Player Rises - Win the second round of the championship
  4. Golden Jubilee - Get a break of 50 points

Trofei di Bronzo:
  1. Qualifier - Qualify for the championship
  2. 25 to Life - Get a break of 25 points