venerdì 5 aprile 2019

Lista Trofei: Bubsy: Paws on Fire!

Torna Bubsy, e sembra in discreta forma. Porta un nuovo Platino:

Trofeo di Platino:

  • What Could Possibly Go Wrong?! - You've earned every trophy? You must be Bubsy's biggest fan!

Trofei d'Oro:

  1. I Want For Nothing - Complete a level without gathering any collectibles.
  2. Hooray for Consumerism! - Purchase all of Bubsy's costumes. Those kids are good salescats!
  3. Sit Back and Relax! - You beat a Bubsy game! Time to update the resume.
  4. Goo Grief! - Beat World 2's Boss. I'm sending you my dry-cleaning bill!
  5. GooFO - Beat World 1's Boss. Where'd you learn to fire a laser like that?
  6. Mest Your Tettle - Beat level 3-9 without bonking as Bubsy. You're a natural-born bobcat!
  7. On a Roll - Beat all of Arnold's levels.
  8. Cats and Jogs - Play through every main level with every character!

Trofei d'Argento:

  1. Armadonut - Try on Arnold's donut costume. He looks good with sprinkles, doesn't he?
  2. Famous Last Words - Hear all of Bubsy's death one-liners in a single play session. You're gonna hear from my agent!
  3. Those Pesky Pop-Ups - Play level 2-3 as Virgil...What do you mean, "This trophy is ALSO a pesky pop-up"?
  4. Killy Crystal - Smash 500 crystals as Arnold. All shell is breaking loose!

Trofei di Bronzo:

  1. How's the Weather Down There? - Beat an Arnold level.
  2. Are We There Yet? - Beat a level with any character. A Hero's journey starts with a single hero's step!
  3. It Takes A Village - Play as every character in the game. They're nice once you get to know them!
  4. Credits Where Credits is Due - Watch the credits at the end of the game without skipping them. They made Bubsy's latest adventure possible, you know!
  5. Air Bub - Stay in the air as Bubsy for ten seconds or longer. Enjoy your in-flight meal!
  6. Knit Happens - Gather all the yarn in a level as Bubsy.
  7. Antsy, Are We? - Attempt to skip the loading screen by mashing buttons. Impatience is a virtue.
  8. Hey, Big Spender! - Buy something in the store. You're worth it!