mercoledì 13 febbraio 2019

Lista Trofei: Minesweeper Genius

Un po "Campo Minato", un po sudoku, un po picross. Un nuovo Platino potenzialmente alla portata:

Trofeo di Platino:

  • True Genius - Obtain all Trophies

Trofei d'Oro:

  1. A Cosmic Deed - Finish the game with 3 stars in all levels.
  2. The world was Mine... - Finish all the advanced levels with 3 stars.
  3. The world is mine! - Finish all the advanced levels.
  4. I know that I know nothing - Use and clear lots of flags on a single level.
  5. A Dialog with the Stars - Get 3 stars in all the levels of an island.

Trofei d'Argento:

  1. Independence Day - Finish the game.
  2. Genius Sweeper - Sweep 5000 blocks.
  3. The gods' challenge - Finish level FS-3 without using any flags. No deaths allowed.
  4. The philosopher's challenge - Finish level M-10 without using any flags. No deaths allowed.
  5. Mine, Body, Spirit - Die 300 times.
  6. Adrenaline - Finish level GS-4 without letting Ari fall asleep. No deaths allowed.
  7. The Final Frontier - Unlock your first advanced levels island.
  8. The godlike philosopher's challenge - Finish level LS-5 without using any flags. No deaths allowed.
  9. Insomnia - Finish level MS-5 without letting Ari fall asleep. No deaths allowed.
  10. Caffeine - Finish level L-10 without letting Ari fall asleep.No deaths allowed.
  11. Perfectionist - Use all the flags correctly on level JS-5. No deaths or mistakes allowed.
  12. Methodical - Use all the flags correctly on level ES-3. No deaths or mistakes allowed.
  13. Sistematic - Use all the flags correctly on level K-10. No deaths or mistakes allowed.
  14. Ari going to the stars? - Finish an advanced level with 3 stars.

    Trofei di Bronzo:
  1. Late for philosophy class - Let Aristotle sleep 3 times on a single level.
  2. The Geek Greek - Read all the pages of the tutorial
  3. Expendable - Die 50 times.
  4. Gates of Hades - Die 150 times.
  5. Student - Finish a level with 1 star.
  6. Novice Sweeper - Sweep 500 blocks.
  7. Professor - Finish a level with 3 stars.
  8. Master Sweeper - Sweep 2000 blocks.

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