lunedì 28 gennaio 2019

Lista Trofei: AWAY: Journey to the Unexpected

Un interessante e colorato FPS/Adventure, ma nei 16 Trofei previsti nel gioco non c'è il Platino. Questi i dettagli:

Trofei d'Argento:

  1. Team Building - Have 4 playable characters at the same time
  2. Richer than Midas - You have 999 coins
  3. Ping Pong King - Defeat the final boss

Trofei di Bronzo:

  1. A Ribbeting Friendship - Agree to let the frog live with you
  2. A Prince Among Men - Tip the shopkeeper
  3. Do Or Die! - Start a fifth game after dying
  4. Never Give Up! - Start a fifteenth game after dying
  5. Savvy Shopper - Buy 2 items from the shop during the same game
  6. Breaking In - Open the factory gate for the first time
  7. Eagle Eye - Find a secret passage in a dungeon
  8. Sticking Around - Unlock the guard and strong blow abilities
  9. A Word To The Wise - Talk to the cat 3 times
  10. Expand Your Horizon - Unlock the desert access grid
  11. The More The Merrier - Recruit 3 characters
  12. Squad Almighty! - Recruit all playable characters
  13. Family Time - Find your parents