lunedì 21 gennaio 2019

Lista Trofei: FutureGrind

Un Arcade/Action/Sport Game molto particolare e frenetico, ha il Platino:

Trofeo di Platino:

  • Well-Earned Holiday - Collect all other FutureGrind Trophies

Trofei d'Oro:

  1. The Device - Destroy the Device
  2. Cool Your Jets - Complete a track without jumping. Good luck.
  3. Easy as Pie - Spin your bikes for a total of 314,159 degrees
  4. Marathon - Grind 42,195 meters
  5. All The Diamonds - Earn 30 diamond trophies
  6. Escape the Grind - Destroy the P.R.A.X.I.S. system
  7. Unauthorized Access - Access an unauthorized area of memory
  8. Big Points - Score 250,000 points or more on a score attack

Trofei d'Argento:

  1. Apollo 11 - Complete a track in the Luun region
  2. Hacked - Complete an assignment from the hacker
  3. Decagonal Diamonds - Earn 10 diamond trophies
  4. Use the Subverse bike - Complete a track with the Subverse bike
  5. Use the Xero bike - Complete a track with the Xero bike
  6. Use the Gimbal bike - Complete a track with the Gimbal bike
  7. Motion Sickness - Complete a track without spinning. At all. Don't touch the spin input. Seriously.

Trofei di Bronzo:

  1. Use the Slice bike - Complete a track with the Slice bike
  2. A Trophy Is Forever - Earn 1 diamond trophy
  3. Use the Left Coast bike - Complete a track with the Left Coast bike