domenica 27 gennaio 2019

Lista Trofei: Ages of Mages: The last keeper

Viene definito come un "Picchiaduro a scorrimento/ TPS", contiene elementi Rogue-Lite e RPG. C'è il supporto alla co-op, si usano maghetti, si sbloccano abilità, si affrontano temibili boss, si conquista un Platino. In tutto, ci sono 20 Trofei:

Trofeo di Platino:

  • The Last Keeper - Congratulations!

Trofei d'Oro:

  1. Rich - Got 10000 coins
  2. Liberator - Rescue all soldiers in "Dragon Lair"
  3. Ambassador of peace - Pass "Spiral Cliff" with no killing
  4. Nanny - Rescue teammate 15 times
  5. STG lord - No Injured wthin battle, 30 minuts.
  6. Magical shooter (Nature) - 30 consecutive hits
  7. Magical shooter (Fire) - 30 consecutive hits
  8. Talent - Kill 10000
  9. Victory - Complete game.

Trofei d'Argento:

  1. Sharpshooter (Nature) - 15 consecutive hits
  2. Kebab master - Hits 12 enemy with one "Phoneix"
  3. Icecream maker - Frozen 12 enemy with one "Frost"
  4. Safe driving - Driving a raft in "Dusk Island" and no damage.
  5. Sharpshooter (Fire) - 15 consecutive hits
  6. Not bad - Kill 3000

Trofei di Bronzo:

  1. Qualified mage (Nature) - 10 consecutive hits
  2. First death - Honor your first
  3. Qualified mage (Fire) - 10 consecutive hits
  4. Rookie debut - Kill 200