lunedì 17 dicembre 2018

Lista Trofei: Dreamwalker

50 livelli, due giochi bonus, ore di gioco garantite per gli appassionati. Nessun Platino però:

Trofei d'Argento:
  1. Lucid Dreaming - Complete all levels in the game
  2. Mid-Night - Complete half the levels in the game
  3. Cold Sweat - Complete a non-tutorial Night Mare level
  4. Gentle Nudge - Collect 10 "restful night" stars
  5. Dreaming My Dream of Ewe - Collect 10 "sweet dreams" stars
  6. The Cows Jumped over the Moon - Collect all cows from the UFO
  7. Power Nap - Collect 10 "early riser" stars

Trofei di Bronzo:
  1. Silent Slumber - Complete a non-tutorial Early Bird level
  2. Snooze - Complete a non-tutorial Alarm Clock level
  3. Into the Night Sky - Get abducted by a UFO
  4. I Need to Lie Down - Complete a non-tutorial Spinner level
  5. 40 Winks - Complete a non-tutorial Teleporter level