domenica 18 novembre 2018

Lista Trofei: Storm Boy

Ispirato dall'omonimo libro per bambini, il videogame è quasi pronto per farci sognare un po e per farci guadagnare un nuovo Platino:

Trofeo di Platino:
  • Storm Boy - Get all other Trophies in Storm Boy

Trofei d'Oro:
  1. Hangry Birds - Have all 3 Pelicans get angry during the Feeding Mini-Game
  2. Our Hero - Save the Sailors from a Sinking Ship
  3. Commitment - Have Mr Percival Fetch the ball from underwater 3 times
  4. Adventurist - Dive to the deepest part of the ocean
  5. Digger - Find 20 Cockles
  6. Goodbye Mr Percival - Say Goodbye to Mr Percival
  7. Remember - Play each Mini-Game once through the Remember menu
  8. Fish Magnet - Feed all 3 Pelicans once
  9. Born to Fly - Change Direction in the Sanctuary Dream mini-game 15 times
  10. Artist - Leave an artwork on the beachfront
  11. Dive Expert - Stay underwater for the maximum amount of time