Torna una "vecchia" iniziativa del negozio digitale PlayStation, fortemente indirizzata agli abbonati al PS Plus. Ritornano i "Doppi Sconti":
A partire da oggi e fino al 25 Luglio 2018, è possibile acquistare svariati titoli "Tripla A" sfruttando di fatto non uno, ma due tagli sul prezzo. Persona 5, God Of War III Remastered, Wolfenstein: The Old Blood, Mass Effect: Andromeda, Overwatch, Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age, Skyrim Special Edition, sono solo alcuni dei videogiochi coinvolti in questa tornata.
Poi abbiamo anche un po di Sconti sui DLC di Rocket League e qualche proposta anche su PS3, mentre su PS Vita questa volta non c'è nemmeno uno straccio di Sconto. Un caso più unico che raro.
Ecco tutti i dettagli degli Sconti lanciati oggi, il post è stato aggiornato due volte ma potrebbe essere aggiornato ancora nel corso delle prossime ore. I giochi inseriti nel primo aggiornamento sono contrassegnati con un asterisco (*), i giochi inseriti nel secondo aggiornamento hanno invece due asterischi (**), e via discorrendo:
Gioco | Prezzo | PS Plus | Sconto | Note |
Agatha Christie — The Abc Murders | €13.99 | €7.99 | −60% | |
Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed | €20.99 | €6.99 | −80% | |
Alien: Isolation — The Collection | €32.99 | €10.99 | −80% | |
Alien: Isolation | €20.99 | €6.99 | −80% | |
Assassin's Creed Freedom Cry | €10.49 | €5.99 | −60% | |
Assetto Corsa Ultimate Edition | €31.99 | €23.99 | −40% | |
Atv Drift & Tricks | €13.99 | €7.99 | −60% | |
Bioshock: The Collection | €32.49 | €14.99 | −70% | |
Birthdays The Beginning | €25.99 | €11.99 | −70% | |
Bundle Call Of Duty: Ghosts Con Pass Stagionale | €67.09 | €24.19 | −78% | |
Bundle Far Cry 4 + Far Cry Primal | €37.49 | €24.99 | −50% | |
Call Of Duty: Ghosts Gold Edition | €44.79 | €19.59 | −72% | |
Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare | €44.79 | €19.59 | −72% | |
Call Of Duty:Advanced Warfare — Digital Pro Edition (Day Zero) | €64.99 | €29.99 | −70% | |
Chime Sharp | €6.99 | €3.99 | −60% | |
Cladun Returns: This Is Sengoku! | €13.99 | €7.99 | −60% | * |
Code: Realize ~Bouquet Of Rainbows~ | €39.99 | €29.99 | −40% | * |
Cyberdimension Neptunia: 4 Goddesses Online | €34.99 | €19.99 | −60% | * |
Danganronpa 1/2 Reload | €27.99 | €15.99 | −60% | |
Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls | €20.99 | €11.99 | −60% | * |
Dark Rose Valkyrie | €29.99 | €9.99 | −80% | * |
Dead Rising 4: Frank's Big Package | €37.49 | €24.99 | −50% | |
Demon Gaze II | €34.99 | €19.99 | −60% | |
Devil May Cry HD Collection & 4Se Bundle | €34.64 | €24.29 | −46% | * |
Devil May Cry HD Collection | €23.99 | €17.99 | −40% | * |
Dirt 4 | €41.99 | €13.99 | −80% | |
Disgaea 5: Alliance Of Vengeance | €44.99 | €29.99 | −50% | |
Dishonored Collezione Completa | €51.99 | €23.99 | −70% | * |
Dishonored: La Morte Dell'Esterno Deluxe Bundle | €45.49 | €20.99 | −70% | * |
Elite Dangerous: Commander Deluxe Edition | €34.99 | €19.99 | −60% | |
Everspace — Stellar Edition | €29.99 | €19.99 | −50% | * |
Everspace | €22.49 | €14.99 | −50% | * |
F1 2017 | €41.99 | €13.99 | −80% | |
Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force | €17.99 | €5.99 | −80% | * |
Far Cry 4 — Gold Edition | €34.99 | €19.99 | −60% | |
Far Cry 4 | €20.99 | €11.99 | −60% | |
Far Cry Primal — Apex Edition | €26.24 | €17.49 | −50% | |
Far Cry Primal | €22.49 | €14.99 | −50% | |
Farming Simulator 17 — Platinum Edition | €37.49 | €24.99 | −50% | |
Farming Simulator 17 — Premium Edition | €48.74 | €22.49 | −70% | |
Farming Simulator 17 | €27.19 | €14.39 | −64% | |
Final Fantasy Type—0 HD | €14.99 | €9.99 | −50% | |
Final Fantasy X/X—2 HD Remaster | €22.49 | €14.99 | −50% | |
Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age | €37.49 | €24.99 | −50% | |
Flatout 4: Total Insanity | €14.99 | €9.99 | −50% | |
God Of War III Remastered | €24.49 | €13.99 | −60% | |
God Wars Future Past | €32.49 | €14.99 | −70% | * |
Gold Edition Di Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare | €44.79 | €19.59 | −72% | |
Grand Kingdom | €29.99 | €9.99 | −80% | |
Hitman — Edizione Game Of The Year | €44.99 | €29.99 | −50% | * |
I Am Setsuna | €29.99 | €19.99 | −50% | |
Kingdom Come: Deliverance | €47.99 | €35.99 | −40% | |
La Terra Di Mezzo: L'Ombra Della Guerra Gold Edition | €82.49 | €54.99 | −50% | |
La Terra Di Mezzo: L'Ombra Della Guerra | €52.49 | €34.99 | −50% | |
La Terra Di Mezzo: L'Ombra Di Mordor Legion Edition | €32.49 | €14.99 | −70% | |
Life Is Strange Season Pass | €10.19 | €3.39 | −80% | |
Lost Sphear | €37.49 | €24.99 | −50% | |
Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite — Deluxe Edition | €39.59 | €19.19 | −68% | |
Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite — Standard Edition | €27.19 | €14.39 | −64% | |
Mass Effect: Andromeda - Edizione Recluta Base | €12.99 | €5.99 | −70% | |
Mass Effect: Andromeda - Edizione Recluta Deluxe | €29.99 | €9.99 | −80% | |
Megadimension Neptunia VII | €17.99 | €5.99 | −80% | |
Megadimension Neptunia Viir | €47.99 | €35.99 | −40% | * |
Metal Gear Survive | €29.99 | €19.99 | −50% | * |
Micro Machines World Series | €19.49 | €8.99 | −70% | |
Natural Doctrine | €14.99 | €4.99 | −80% | |
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir | €38.99 | €17.99 | −70% | |
Omega Quintet | €17.99 | €5.99 | −80% | |
Onechanbara Z2: Chaos | €14.99 | €4.99 | −80% | * |
Onrush Deluxe Edition | €63.74 | €42.49 | −50% | |
Onrush | €52.49 | €34.99 | −50% | |
Overlord Compagnia Del Flagello | €10.79 | €3.59 | −80% | |
Overwatch Legendary Edition | €47.99 | €35.99 | −40% | |
Payday 2 — Edizione Crimewave — Pacchetto Di Gioco Colpo Gross | €29.99 | €9.99 | −80% | |
Payday 2: Crimewave Edition. | €12.99 | €5.99 | −70% | |
Persona 5 | €52.49 | €34.99 | −50% | |
Persona 5: Ultimate Edition | €74.99 | €49.99 | −50% | |
Portal Knights | €13.99 | €7.99 | −60% | |
Pro Evolution Soccer 2018 | €6.99 | −76% | ||
Psycho—Pass: Mandatory Happiness | €29.99 | €9.99 | −80% | |
Pure Farming 2018 Digital Deluxe Edition | €37.49 | €24.99 | −50% | |
Pure Farming 2018 | €31.99 | €23.99 | −40% | |
Rocket League — Game Of The Year Edition | €18.74 | €12.49 | −50% | |
Rocket League | €14.99 | €9.99 | −50% | |
School Girl/Zombie Hunter | €31.49 | €17.99 | −60% | |
Scribblenauts Showdown | €31.99 | €23.99 | −40% | |
Shadow Tactics: Blades Of The Shogun | €32.49 | €14.99 | −70% | * |
Sniper Elite 4 Digital Deluxe Edition | €64.99 | €29.99 | −70% | |
Sniper Elite 4 | €45.49 | €20.99 | −70% | |
Space Hulk: Deathwing — Enhanced Edition | €33.99 | €27.99 | −30% | |
Spintires: Mudrunner | €29.99 | €19.99 | −50% | |
Star Ocean: Integrity And Faithlessness — Edizione Digitale | €22.49 | €14.99 | −50% | |
The 25Th Ward: The Silver Case | €19.49 | €8.99 | −70% | * |
The American Dream | €14.99 | €9.99 | −50% | |
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition | €38.99 | €17.99 | −70% | |
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR | €45.49 | €20.99 | −70% | |
The Silver Case | €19.49 | €8.99 | −70% | * |
The Surge | €34.99 | €19.99 | −60% | |
The Surge: Complete Edition | €41.99 | €23.99 | −60% | |
The Witch And The Hundred Knight: Revival Edition | €25.99 | €11.99 | −70% | * |
Tokyo Xanadu Ex+ | €44.99 | €29.99 | −50% | * |
Tom Clancy's The Division Gold Edition | €58.49 | €26.99 | −70% | |
Tom Clancy's The Division | €29.99 | €9.99 | −80% | |
Touhou Genso Rondo: Bullet Ballet | €19.49 | €8.99 | −70% | |
Touhou Genso Wanderer | €32.49 | €14.99 | −70% | * |
Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle | €19.49 | €8.99 | −70% | |
Tour De France 2015 | €11.99 | €3.99 | −80% | |
Tour De France 2016 | €17.99 | €5.99 | −80% | |
Tour De France 2017 | €24.79 | €9.59 | −76% | |
Tt Isle Of Man — Ride On The Edge | €44.99 | €29.99 | −50% | |
Ultra Street Fighter IV | €16.24 | €7.49 | −70% | |
Uncharted 2: IL Covo Dei Ladri Remastered | €10.49 | €5.99 | −60% | |
Uncharted 3: L'Inganno Di Drake Remastered | €10.49 | €5.99 | −60% | |
Warhammer Quest | €25.99 | €11.99 | −70% | * |
Wolfenstein: The New Order | €12.99 | €5.99 | −70% | |
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood | €12.99 | €5.99 | −70% | |
World Of Final Fantasy | €44.99 | €29.99 | −50% | |
Wrc 7 Fia World Rally Championship | €35.99 | €11.99 | −80% | |
Wrc Collection | €53.99 | €17.99 | −80% | |
Xcom 2 Collection | €67.49 | €44.99 | −50% | |
Xcom 2 Digital Deluxe Edition | €42.24 | €19.49 | −70% | |
Yomawari: Midnight Shadows | €19.49 | €8.99 | −70% | |
Zero Escape: The Nonary Games | €41.99 | €23.99 | −60% |

DLC | Prezzo | PS Plus | Sconto |
Payday 2 — Edizione Crimewave — Pacchetto DLC Colpo Grosso! | €25.99 | €11.99 | −70% |
Payday 2: Edizione Crimewave — Pacchetto DLC The Most Wanted | €12.99 | €5.99 | −70% |
Payday 2: Edizione Crimewave — The Master Plan | €12.99 | €5.99 | −70% |
Rocket League — Aftershock | €1.49 | €0.99 | −50% |
Rocket League — Back To The Future Car Pack | €1.49 | €0.99 | −50% |
Rocket League — Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice Car Pack | €1.49 | €0.99 | −50% |
Rocket League — Chaos Run DLC Pack | €2.99 | €1.99 | −50% |
Rocket League — Dc Super Heroes DLC Pack | €2.99 | €1.99 | −50% |
Rocket League — Esper | €1.49 | €0.99 | −50% |
Rocket League - Fast & Furious '70 Dodge Charger R/T | €1.49 | €0.99 | −50% |
Rocket League - Fast & Furious '99 Nissan Skyline Gt—R R34 | €1.49 | €0.99 | −50% |
Rocket League — Hot Wheels Bone Shaker | €1.49 | €0.99 | −50% |
Rocket League — Hot Wheels Twin Mill III | €1.49 | €0.99 | −50% |
Rocket League — Marauder | €1.49 | €0.99 | −50% |
Rocket League — Masamune | €1.49 | €0.99 | −50% |
Rocket League — Revenge Of The Battle—Cars DLC Pack | €2.99 | €1.99 | −50% |
Rocket League — Supersonic Fury DLC Pack | €2.99 | €1.99 | −50% |
Rocket League — The Fate Of The Furious Ice Charger | €1.49 | €0.99 | −50% |
Rocket League — Triton | €1.49 | €0.99 | −50% |
Rocket League — Vulcan | €1.49 | €0.99 | −50% |
Rocket League Bundle Contenuti Scaricabili — Fast & Furious | €3.74 | €2.49 | −50% |
Gioco | Prezzo | Sconto | Note |
Bundle Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare | €12.99 | −67% | ** |
Call Of Duty: Ghosts Gold Edition | €9.99 | −80% | ** |
Dead Island Franchise Pack | €9.99 | −66% | |
Dead Island Riptide Complete Edition | €5.99 | −70% | * |
Diablo III: Reaper Of Souls — Ultimate Evil Edition | €9.99 | −75% | ** |
Far Cry 3 + Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon | €6.99 | −76% | * |
Far Cry 3 | €4.99 | −66% | * |
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon | €3.99 | −73% | * |
Far Cry Classic | €2.99 | −70% | * |
Far Cry2 | €3.99 | −60% | * |
Life Is Strange Season Pass | €2.99 | −82% | |
Mass Effect 2 | €3.99 | −73% | * |
Mass Effect 3 | €4.99 | −75% | * |
Mass Effect Trilogy | €9.99 | −71% | |
Mass Effect | €2.99 | −80% | |
Metro: Last Light Complete Edition | €3.99 | −80% | * |
Persona 5: Ultimate Edition | €14.99 | −83% | |
Plants Vs. Zombies Garden Warfare | €3.99 | −86% | * |
Prince Of Persia Trilogy | €7.99 | −46% | * |
Prince Of Persia: Le Sabbie Del Tempo | €2.99 | −70% | |
Prince Of Persia: Spirito Guerriero | €2.99 | −70% | * |
Rainbow Six Complete Pack | €7.99 | −60% | |
Rayman Legends + Rayman Origins | €9.99 | −66% | * |
Rayman Legends | €6.99 | −65% | * |
Rayman Origins | €5.99 | −60% | |
Saints Row 2 Ultimate Edition | €1.99 | −80% | |
Saints Row IV Game Of The Century Edition | €4.99 | −75% | |
Saints Row: The Third— The Full Package | €4.49 | −70% | * |
South Park: IL Bastone Della Verità | €9.99 | −66% | |
Ssx | €3.99 | −73% | |
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 | €4.99 | −50% | |
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas | €4.99 | −50% | |
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory HD | €3.99 | −60% | |
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent | €3.99 | −60% | |
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell HD | €3.99 | −60% | |
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow HD | €3.99 | −60% | |
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Trilogy HD | €9.99 | −33% | |
Trivial Pursuit Live! | €4.99 | −50% | |
Valiant Hearts: The Great War | €2.99 | −80% | |
Watch_Dogs | €4.99 | −83% |