domenica 22 aprile 2018

Lista Trofei: The Swords of Ditto

E' probabilmente il gioco più atteso della prossima settimana, quella che va dal 23 al 29 Aprile... vediamo di capire se si tratta di un Platino complesso:

Trofeo di Platino:
  • All The Trophies - Get all the trophies!

Trofei d'Oro:
  1. Complete A Dojo - Complete a dojo.
  2. Find All Story Tablets - Find all the story tablets.
  3. Find All Toys - Find all Toys of Legend.
  4. Defeat Mormo Without Destroying An Anchor - Defeat Mormo without destroying an anchor.
  5. Fully Upgrade Your Bombs - Fully upgrade your bombs.
  6. Break The Curse Of Ditto - Break the Curse of Ditto.
  7. Defeat Mormo - Defeat Mormo once.

Trofei d'Argento:
  1. Meet Serendipity - Meet Serendipity.
  2. Sticker Swapper - Swap a sticker with an NPC.
  3. Wind Back Time - Wind back time.
  4. Equip A Limited Sticker - Equip a limited sticker.
  5. Receive A Limited Edition Sticker - Receive a limited edition sticker from Ock.
  6. Complete An Offering - Complete an offering.
  7. Equip Twelve Stickers - Equip twelve limited sticker at the same time.
  8. Defeat All Anchors In A Story - Defeat all anchors in a story.
  9. Destroy An Anchor - Destroy one of Mormo's anchors.

Trofei di Bronzo:
  1. Visit Grave - Visit the grave of a failed hero.
  2. Equip A Sticker - Equip a sticker.
  3. Find A Toy - Find a Toy Of Legend.
  4. Open A Crate - Open a crate.