domenica 22 aprile 2018

Lista Trofei: Cluster Tumble

Un nuovo puzzle game, sarà complicato? Nel frattempo, vediamo i Trofei:

Trofei d'Oro:
  1. No. 1 fan - Play 50 games

Trofei d'Argento:
  1. Endurance - Complete 30 levels in Endless mode
  2. Picture perfect - Complete a level placing every piece correctly first time

Trofei di Bronzo:
  1. Starting out - Play your first game
  2. Put to the test - Play the Challenge mode
  3. Battle lines - Play the Versus mode
  4. Neverending story - Play the Endless mode
  5. Hard times - Play a game with hard difficulty
  6. Name in lights - Set a new high score
  7. No need for 3 - Defeat an opponent in Versus mode with two straight wins
  8. Patience is a virtue - Completed a level without speeding up the droprate of a piece
  9. Spinning around - Use the rotation function for the first time
  10. On a roll - Correctly place 10 pieces in a row during a level without making a mistake
  11. In the nick of time - Complete a level with under 5 seconds to spare