Ieri, lo sapete, sono stati annunciati e poi formalizzati tanti Sconti sul PlayStation Store, e sono stati condivisi anche qui su PSE in qualche modo. E allora, perché un altro post sull'argomento?
Semplice, adesso sono disponibili anche le "famigerate" Tabelle PSE, tanto richieste da voi lettori. Approfitto per ringraziarvi per i feedback e per il sostegno generale dimostrato in questi giorni, se potessi vi abbraccerei uno ad uno... non avete lontanamente l'idea di quanto questo sito sia importante per chi scrive.
Ma detto questo, entriamo nel cuore dell'argomento. Come già scritto ieri, la nuova ondata di Sconti del PlayStation Store prevede tre iniziative diverse: Only on PlayStation, Digital Zone e Sconti sui DLC. Ieri sono state già postate numerose informazioni, tra le quali gli screen di tutte le Offerte e i link di buona parte delle medesime, oggi tocca alle Tabelle PSE.
Chi volesse vedere il post originale, può usare questo link. Per chi invece non vedeva l'ora di consultare le Tabelle, eccovele qui:
Gioco | Prezzo | Prezzo PS Plus | Sconto |
Alienation | €5.99 | −70% | |
Ape Escape 2 | €2.99 | −70% | |
Aqua Kitty — Milk Mine Defender Dx | €1.99 | −69% | |
Arc: IL Tramonto Degli Spiriti | €3.99 | −73% | |
Beyond: Due Anime | €7.99 | −73% | |
Bloodborne: Game Of The Year Edition | €19.99 | −55% | |
Bound | €6.99 | −65% | |
Bridge Constructor Portal | €14.99 | €12.74 | −15% |
Brut@L | €5.99 | −60% | |
Bundle Killzone: Shadow Fall E Season Pass | €9.99 | −81% | |
Bundle Mega Loot Di Fat Princess Adventures | €6.99 | −65% | |
Bundle Sound Shapes Ultimate | €2.99 | −80% | |
Burly Men At Sea Maestro Beard Edition | €5.99 | −60% | |
Burly Men At Sea | €3.99 | −60% | |
Call Of Duty: Black Ops III — Zombies Chronicles Deluxe | €54.99 | −45% | |
Call Of Duty: Black Ops III — Zombies Chronicles Edition | €34.99 | −50% | |
Coffin Dodgers | €3.99 | −66% | |
Collezione Heavy Rain & Beyond: Due Anime | €12.99 | −67% | |
Contrast | €3.99 | −60% | |
Counterspy | €3.99 | −69% | |
Dark Chronicle | €4.99 | −66% | |
Dark Cloud | €4.99 | −66% | |
Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition | €3.99 | −73% | |
Dimmi Chi Sei! | €9.99 | −50% | |
Doki—Doki Universe | €1.99 | −73% | |
Don't Knock Twice | €8.99 | −55% | |
Drawn To Death | €5.99 | −70% | |
Driveclub Bikes | €9.99 | −50% | |
Driveclub VR | €9.99 | −50% | |
Driveclub VR | €14.99 | −50% | |
Driveclub | €12.99 | −56% | |
Entwined | €2.99 | −62% | |
Escape Plan Collection | €5.99 | −70% | |
Escape Plan Collection | €5.99 | −70% | |
Escape Plan | €3.99 | −69% | |
Everybody's Golf | €19.99 | −50% | |
Everybody's Gone To The Rapture | €4.99 | −75% | |
Everybody's Tennis | €2.99 | −70% | |
Fallen Legion Bundle | €19.99 | €17.09 | −41% |
Fantavision | €2.99 | −70% | |
Farpoint | €14.99 | −50% | |
Fat Princess Adventures | €4.99 | −66% | |
Flow | €1.99 | −60% | |
Flower | €1.99 | −75% | |
Forbidden Siren | €2.99 | −70% | |
God Of War III Remastered | €12.99 | −62% | |
Gran Turismo Sport Digital Deluxe Edition | €44.99 | −35% | |
Gran Turismo Sport | €34.99 | −41% | |
Gravity Rush 2 | €14.99 | €12.99 | −67% |
Gravity Rush Remastered | €7.99 | −73% | |
Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition — Upgrade 'Ps4' | €1.99 | −50% | |
Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition | €4.99 | −64% | |
Guilty Gear Xrd —Sign— | €9.99 | −50% | |
Hardware: Rivals | €4.99 | −76% | |
Heavy Rain | €7.99 | −73% | |
Helldivers | €3.99 | −80% | |
Helldivers: Super—Earth Ultimate Edition | €6.99 | −76% | |
Here They Lie | €7.99 | −60% | |
Hidden Agenda | €9.99 | −50% | |
Hohokum | €2.99 | −76% | |
Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition | €29.99 | −40% | |
Horizon Zero Dawn | €19.99 | −50% | |
Hustle Kings VR | €7.99 | −60% | |
Infamous First Light | €4.99 | −66% | |
Infamous Second Son + Infamous First Light | €12.99 | −74% | |
Infamous Second Son Edizione Leggendaria | €12.99 | −74% | |
Infamous Second Son | €9.99 | −75% | |
Infinity Runner | €1.99 | −71% | |
Innerspace | €11.99 | −40% | |
Iron Crypticle | €2.99 | −66% | |
Jak 3 | €7.99 | −46% | |
Jak And Daxter: The Precursor Legacy | €7.99 | −46% | |
Jak II: Renegade | €7.99 | −46% | |
Jakx: Combat Racing | €7.99 | −46% | |
Jetpack Joyride | €1.75 | −51% | |
Journey Collector's Edition | €6.99 | −72% | |
Journey | €3.99 | −73% | |
Killallzombies | €2.99 | −70% | |
Killzone Shadow Fall Intercept (Standalone) | €2.99 | −85% | |
Killzone Shadow Fall | €7.99 | −80% | |
Kinetica | €2.99 | −70% | |
Knack 2 | €19.99 | −50% | |
Knack | €4.99 | −75% | |
Knee Deep | €5.99 | −60% | |
Late Shift | €4.99 | −60% | |
Littlebigplanet 3 | €6.99 | −65% | |
Locoroco 2 Remastered | €5.99 | −60% | |
Locoroco Remastered | €5.99 | −60% | |
Lovers In A Dangerous Spacetime | €4.99 | −66% | |
Malicious Fallen Edizione Digitale Deluxe | €14.99 | −62% | |
Malicious Fallen | €11.99 | −60% | |
Masquerade: The Baubles Of Doom | €3.99 | −73% | |
Matterfall | €9.99 | −50% | |
Nioh — Complete Edition | €34.99 | €29.99 | −40% |
Nioh | €24.99 | €20.99 | −47% |
Oddworld: New 'N' Tasty (Ps4) | €5.99 | −70% | |
Okage: Shadow King | €3.99 | −60% | |
Olliolli | €2.99 | −70% | |
Olliolli: Epic Combo Edition | €6.99 | −72% | |
Olliolli2: Welcome To Olliwood | €4.99 | −61% | |
Parappa The Rapper 2 | €2.99 | −70% | |
Parappa The Rapper Remastered | €6.99 | −53% | |
Parappa The Rapper, Locoroco, Patapon Remaster Collection | €12.99 | −56% | |
Patapon Remastered | €6.99 | −53% | |
PlayStationVR Worlds | €12.99 | −56% | |
Primal | €2.99 | −70% | |
Resogun | €2.99 | −76% | |
Reus — Deluxe Edition | €5.99 | −66% | |
Reus | €3.99 | −73% | |
Rigs Mechanized Combat League | €12.99 | −56% | |
Rise Of The Kasai | €4.99 | −66% | |
Rock Boshers Dx: Director's Cut | €1.99 | −63% | |
Rock 'N Racing Bundle | €3.99 | −66% | |
Rock'N Racing Off Road Dx | €2.99 | −62% | |
Rogue Galaxy | €3.99 | −73% | |
Sapere È Potere | €9.99 | −50% | |
Shadow Of The Beast | €3.99 | −73% | |
Soul Axiom | €3.99 | −68% | |
Spy Chameleon | €1.99 | −60% | |
Stardrone VR | €4.99 | −37% | |
Starwhal | €3.99 | −66% | |
Stifled | €12.99 | −35% | |
Suicide Guy | €7.99 | −46% | |
Super Stardust Ultra VR | €7.99 | −60% | |
Super Stardust Ultra | €2.99 | −76% | |
Tearaway Avventure Di Carta | €6.99 | −65% | |
Teslagrad | €2.99 | −80% | |
The Bunker | €5.99 | −70% | |
The Golf Club | €9.99 | €6.49 | −81% |
The Jak And Daxter Collection | €24.99 | €22.99 | −42% |
The Last Guardian | €14.99 | −57% | |
The Last Of Us Remastered | €19.99 | €15.99 | −60% |
The Last Of Us: Left Behind (Standalone) | €3.99 | −60% | |
The Mark Of Kri | €3.99 | −73% | |
The Order: 1886 | €9.99 | −83% | |
The Unfinished Swan | €2.99 | −76% | |
Toby: The Secret Mine | €4.99 | −66% | |
Trulon: The Shadow Engine | €7.99 | −60% | |
Tumble VR | €4.99 | −50% | |
Twisted Metal: Black | €3.99 | −60% | |
Uncharted 2: IL Covo Dei Ladri Remastered | €7.99 | −46% | |
Uncharted 3: L'Inganno Di Drake Remastered | €7.99 | −46% | |
Uncharted 4: Fine Di Un Ladro Edizione Digitale | €24.99 | −37% | |
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Remastered | €7.99 | −46% | |
Uncharted: L'Eredità Perduta | €24.99 | €22.99 | −42% |
Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection | €19.99 | €18.24 | −47% |
Until Dawn | €14.99 | €13.24 | −62% |
Until Dawn: Rush Of Blood | €6.99 | −65% | |
Versione Completa Di Driveclub Per PlayStation Plus | €6.99 | −53% | |
Volgarr The Viking | €3.99 | €2.99 | −70% |
War Of The Monsters | €2.99 | −70% | |
Wild Arms 3 | €3.99 | −73% | |
Wipeout Omega Collection | €19.99 | €18.24 | −47% |
PS Vita:
Gioco | Prezzo | Prezzo PS Plus | Sconto |
Aqua Kitty — Milk Mine Defender Dx | €1.99 | −69% | |
Bundle Sound Shapes Ultimate | €2.99 | −80% | |
Burly Men At Sea Maestro Beard Edition | €5.99 | −60% | |
Burly Men At Sea | €3.99 | −60% | |
Counterspy | €3.99 | −69% | |
Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped | €1.99 | −60% | |
Crash Bandicoot | €1.99 | −60% | |
Crash Bandicoot2: Cortex Strikes Back | €1.99 | −60% | |
Ctr: Crash Team Racing | €1.99 | −60% | |
Dead Nation + Road Of Devastation | €1.99 | −80% | |
Destruction Derby | €1.99 | −60% | |
Entwined | €2.99 | −62% | |
Escape Plan Collection | €5.99 | −70% | |
Everybody's Golf | €2.99 | −70% | |
Fallen Legion Bundle | €19.99 | €17.09 | −41% |
Flow | €1.99 | −60% | |
Flower | €1.99 | −75% | |
Freedom Wars | €6.99 | −72% | |
God Of War Collection | €6.99 | −72% | |
God Of War: Ghost Of Sparta [Psp] | €1.99 | −75% | |
God Of War: Chains Of Olympus [Psp] | €1.99 | −75% | |
Gravity Rush | €3.99 | −73% | |
Helldivers | €3.99 | −80% | |
Helldivers: Super—Earth Ultimate Edition | €6.99 | −76% | |
Hohokum | €2.99 | −76% | |
Jak 3 | €3.99 | −73% | |
Jak And Daxter: The Precursor Legacy | €3.99 | −73% | |
Jak And Daxter: Una Sfida Senza Confini [Psp] | €2.99 | −62% | |
Jak II: Renegade | €3.99 | −73% | |
Killzone Mercenary | €5.99 | −70% | |
Killzone: Liberation Pla | €1.99 | −75% | |
Kula World | €1.99 | −60% | |
Littlebigplanet [Psp] | €1.99 | −75% | |
Littlebigplanet Playstation Vita | €3.99 | −73% | |
Malicious Rebirth | €2.99 | −76% | |
Medievil | €1.99 | −60% | |
Medievil: Resurrection [Psp] | €1.99 | −75% | |
Motorstorm Rc Complete Edition | €2.99 | −66% | |
Murasaki Baby | €3.99 | −60% | |
Oddworld: New 'N' Tasty (Ps4) | €5.99 | −70% | |
Olliolli | €2.99 | −70% | |
Olliolli2: Welcome To Olliwood | €4.99 | −61% | |
Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines | €4.99 | −75% | |
Playstation All—Stars: Battle Royale (Ps Vita) | €4.99 | −66% | |
Playstationvita Pets | €5.99 | −76% | |
Ratchet & Clank 2 | €3.99 | −60% | |
Ratchet & Clank 3 | €3.99 | −60% | |
Ratchet & Clank | €2.99 | −70% | |
Ratchet & Clank: Qforce | €4.99 | −66% | |
Ratchet And Clank: L'Altezza Non Conta [Psp] | €1.99 | −75% | |
Resistance: Burning Skies | €3.99 | −73% | |
Resistance: Retribution [Psp] | €1.99 | −75% | |
Resogun | €2.99 | −76% | |
Rock Boshers Dx: Director's Cut | €1.99 | −63% | |
Sly 2: La Banda Dei Ladri | €2.99 | −70% | |
Sly 3: L'Onore Dei Ladri | €2.99 | −70% | |
Sly Cooper: Ladri Nel Tempo | €4.99 | −66% | |
Sly Raccoon | €2.99 | −70% | |
Soul Sacrifice | €5.99 | −70% | |
Spy Chameleon | €1.99 | −60% | |
Spyro The Dragon Trilogy | €3.99 | −60% | |
Super Stardust Delta | €1.99 | −75% | |
Tearaway | €4.99 | −66% | |
Teslagrad | €2.99 | −80% | |
The Jak And Daxter Trilogy | €7.99 | −60% | |
The Ratchet & Clank Trilogy | €7.99 | −68% | |
The Ratchet & Clank Trilogy | €7.99 | −68% | |
The Sly Trilogy | €7.99 | −68% | |
The Sly Trilogy | €7.99 | −68% | |
The Unfinished Swan | €2.99 | −76% | |
Uncharted: Fight For Fortune — Edizione Completa | €1.99 | −60% | |
Uncharted: Fight For Fortune | €1.99 | −50% | |
Uncharted: L'Abisso D'Oro | €5.99 | −76% | |
Volgarr The Viking | €3.99 | €2.99 | −70% |
Wild Arms | €1.99 | −60% | |
Wipeout 2048 | €2.99 | −80% | |
Wipeout | €1.99 | −60% |
Gioco | Prezzo | Sconto |
Beyond: Due Anime | €4.99 | −66% |
Bundle Sound Shapes Ultimate | €2.99 | −80% |
Counterspy | €3.99 | −69% |
Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped | €1.99 | −60% |
Crash Bandicoot | €1.99 | −60% |
Crash Bandicoot2: Cortex Strikes Back | €1.99 | −60% |
Ctr: Crash Team Racing | €1.99 | −60% |
Dead Nation + Road Of Devastation | €1.99 | −80% |
Destruction Derby | €1.99 | −60% |
Edizione Integrale Di Everybody's Golf: World Tour | €2.99 | −76% |
Entwined | €2.99 | −62% |
Flow | €1.99 | −60% |
Flower | €1.99 | −75% |
God Of War Collection Volume II | €6.99 | −65% |
God Of War Collection | €6.99 | −65% |
God Of War HD | €3.99 | −73% |
God Of War II HD | €3.99 | −73% |
God Of War: Ascension Edizione Definitiva | €7.99 | −60% |
God Of War: Ascension | €4.99 | −66% |
God Of War: Chains Of Olympus | €3.99 | −73% |
God Of War: IL Fantasma Di Sparta | €3.99 | −73% |
Guilty Gear Xrd —Sign— | €5.99 | −80% |
Helldivers | €3.99 | −80% |
Helldivers: Super—Earth Ultimate Edition | €6.99 | −76% |
Hohokum | €2.99 | −76% |
Ico & Shadow Of The Colossus Classics HD | €4.99 | −75% |
Ico Classics HD | €2.99 | −80% |
Infamous 2 | €4.99 | −75% |
Infamous Collection (Dimensioni File: 25,6 Gb) | €7.99 | −68% |
Infamous | €3.99 | −69% |
Infamous: Festival Of Blood — Gioco Completo | €1.99 | −80% |
Jak 3 | €2.99 | −70% |
Jak And Daxter: The Precursor Legacy | €2.99 | −70% |
Jak II: Renegade | €2.99 | −70% |
Journey | €3.99 | −73% |
Kula World | €1.99 | −60% |
Littlebigplanet 2 — Edizione Extra | €5.99 | −76% |
Littlebigplanet 2 | €3.99 | −73% |
Littlebigplanet 3 | €5.99 | −70% |
Littlebigplanet Karting | €3.99 | −73% |
Littlebigplanet | €2.99 | −76% |
Medievil | €1.99 | −60% |
Motorstorm 3D Rift | €2.99 | −70% |
Motorstorm Apocalypse | €3.99 | −73% |
Motorstorm Rc Complete Edition | €2.99 | −66% |
Oddworld: New 'N' Tasty (Ps4) | €5.99 | −70% |
Olliolli | €2.99 | −70% |
Pack Di Gioco Completo Wipeout | €3.99 | −69% |
Playstation All—Stars Battle Royale | €4.99 | −66% |
Puppeteer | €3.99 | −73% |
Raccolta In 3D | €5.99 | −80% |
Rain | €2.99 | −76% |
Ratchet & Clank : Alla Ricerca Del Tesoro | €2.99 | −70% |
Ratchet & Clank 2 | €2.99 | −70% |
Ratchet & Clank 2 | €3.99 | −60% |
Ratchet & Clank 3 | €2.99 | −70% |
Ratchet & Clank 3 | €3.99 | −60% |
Ratchet & Clank | €2.99 | −70% |
Ratchet & Clank: A Spasso Nel Tempo | €4.99 | −66% |
Ratchet & Clank: Armi Di Distruzione | €3.99 | −73% |
Ratchet & Clank: Nexus (Ps3) | €3.99 | −73% |
Ratchet & Clank: Qforce | €4.99 | −66% |
Ratchet & Clank: Qforce | €4.99 | −66% |
Ratchet & Clank: Tutti Per Uno | €4.99 | −66% |
Ratchet And Clank: L'Altezza Non Conta [Psp] | €1.99 | −75% |
Ratchet: Gladiator | €3.99 | −73% |
Resistance 2 | €3.99 | −73% |
Resistance: Fall Of Man | €2.99 | −80% |
Resogun | €2.99 | −76% |
Scelti Da Psn: Killzone + Infamous: Festival Of Blood | €4.99 | −75% |
Shadow Of The Colossus Classics HD | €2.99 | −83% |
Siren Blood Curse | €4.99 | −61% |
Sly 2: La Banda Dei Ladri | €2.99 | −70% |
Sly 3: L'Onore Dei Ladri | €2.99 | −70% |
Sly Cooper: Ladri Nel Tempo | €4.99 | −66% |
Sly Raccoon | €2.99 | −70% |
Spyro The Dragon Trilogy | €3.99 | −60% |
Starwhal | €3.99 | −66% |
Super Stardust HD Complete | €2.99 | −70% |
Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection Online | €1.99 | −90% |
Teslagrad | €2.99 | −80% |
The Jak And Daxter Trilogy | €7.99 | −68% |
The Last Of Us Game Of The Year Edition | €9.99 | −66% |
The Last Of Us: Left Behind (Standalone) | €2.99 | −70% |
The Ratchet & Clank Trilogy | €7.99 | −68% |
The Sly Trilogy | €7.99 | −68% |
The Unfinished Swan | €2.99 | −76% |
Tokyo Jungle | €2.99 | −76% |
Uncharted 2: IL Covo Dei Ladri (Dimensione File 19,5 Gb) | €3.99 | −73% |
Uncharted 3: L'Inganno Di Drake Game Of The Year Psn Edition | €4.99 | −75% |
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune | €3.99 | −69% |
Wild Arms | €1.99 | −60% |
Wipeout HD | €1.99 | −75% |
Wipeout | €1.99 | −60% |
DLC (tutte le piattaforme):
DLC | Piattaforma | Prezzo | Sconto |
Alienation Dlc Season Pass | PS4 | €2.99 | −62% |
Batman: Arkham Knight Affari Di Famiglia | PS4 | €4.19 | −40% |
Batman: Arkham Knight L'Era Dell'Infamia: Aggiunta Ricercati | PS4 | €3.99 | −60% |
Bloodborne The Old Hunters | PS4 | €6.99 | −65% |
Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare Season Pass | PS4 | €22.49 | −55% |
Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare Season Pass | PS3 | €22.49 | −55% |
Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare — Ascendance Dlc | PS4 | €6.52 | −55% |
Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare — Dlc Reckoning | PS4 | €6.52 | −55% |
Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare — Dlc Supremacy | PS4 | €6.52 | −55% |
Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare — Havoc Dlc | PS4 | €6.52 | −55% |
Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Season Pass (Efigs) | PS4 | €22.49 | −55% |
Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Season Pass (Efigs) | PS3 | €22.49 | −55% |
Call Of Duty: Black Ops III — Pass Stagionale | PS4 | €24.99 | −50% |
Call Of Duty: Ghosts — Devastation | PS4 | €6.52 | −55% |
Call Of Duty: Ghosts — Invasion | PS4 | €6.52 | −55% |
Call Of Duty: Ghosts — Nemesis | PS4 | €6.52 | −55% |
Call Of Duty: Ghosts — Onslaught [Efigs] | PS4 | €6.52 | −55% |
Call Of Duty: Ghosts — Season Pass | PS4 | €22.49 | −55% |
Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare — Dlc 2: Continuum | PS4 | €6.52 | −55% |
Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare — Dlc 3: Absolution | PS4 | €6.52 | −55% |
Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare — Dlc 4: Retribution | PS4 | €6.52 | −55% |
Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare Dlc 1: Sabotage | PS4 | €6.52 | −55% |
Dead By Daylight: A Nightmare On Elm Street Chapter | PS4 | €4.79 | −40% |
Dead By Daylight: Capitolo The Saw | PS4 | €5.59 | −30% |
Dead By Daylight: Head Case | PS4 | €2.69 | −40% |
Dead By Daylight: Leatherface | PS4 | €2.49 | −50% |
Dead By Daylight: The Halloween Chapter | PS4 | €3.99 | −50% |
Destiny: IL Re Dei Corrotti | PS4 | €9.99 | −50% |
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided — Frattura Interna | PS4 | €2.39 | −80% |
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided — Pacchetto Assalto | PS4 | €0.99 | −80% |
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided — Pacchetto Tattico | PS4 | €0.99 | −80% |
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided — Pass Stagionale | PS4 | €4.49 | −70% |
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided — Un Passato Criminale | PS4 | €2.39 | −80% |
Disgaea 5: Alliance Of Vengeance Season Pass | PS4 | €13.99 | −60% |
Doa5Lr Pass Stagione 2 | PS4 | €44.99 | −60% |
Doa5Lr Pass Stagione 7 | PS4 | €35.69 | −59% |
Doa5Lr Pass Stagione | PS4 | €44.99 | −60% |
Driveclub Finish Line Expansion Pack | PS4 | €1.99 | −44% |
Driveclub Pacchetto Di Espansione Downforce | PS4 | €2.99 | −50% |
Dying Light Cuisine & Cargo | PS4 | €1.99 | −60% |
Dying Light Season Pass | PS4 | €11.99 | −60% |
Dying Light The Bozak Horde | PS4 | €3.99 | −60% |
Dying Light Ultimate Survivor Bundle | PS4 | €1.99 | −60% |
Dying Light: The Following | PS4 | €7.99 | −60% |
Elite Dangerous: Horizons Season Pass | PS4 | €12.49 | −50% |
Espansione Driveclub Bikes | PS4 | €7.99 | −46% |
Everybody's Golf — Nam Rong Bay Country Club | PS4 | €2.99 | −53% |
Everybody's Golf Balata Country Club | PS4 | €2.99 | −53% |
Everybody's Golf Biglietti Speciali X10 | PS4 | €3.99 | −50% |
Everybody's Golf Buggy Fuoristrada | PS4 | €1.99 | −50% |
Everybody's Golf Green Country Club | PS4 | €2.49 | −50% |
Everybody's Golf Set Mazza Personalizzata 1 | PS4 | €1.99 | −33% |
Everybody's Golf Set Mazza Personalizzata 2 | PS4 | €1.99 | −33% |
Fallout 4 Season Pass Bundle | PS4 | €19.99 | −60% |
Fallout 4: Automatron | PS4 | €4.99 | −50% |
Fallout 4: Contraptions Workshop | PS4 | €2.49 | −50% |
Fallout 4: Far Harbor | PS4 | €12.49 | −50% |
Fallout 4: Nuka—World | PS4 | €9.99 | −50% |
Fallout 4: Vault—Tec Workshop | PS4 | €2.49 | −50% |
Fallout 4: Wasteland Workshop | PS4 | €2.49 | −50% |
Farming Simulator 17 — Big Bud Pack | PS4 | €10.04 | −33% |
Farming Simulator 17 — Platinum Expansion | PS4 | €13.39 | −33% |
Farming Simulator 17 — Season Pass | PS4 | €22.04 | −37% |
Goat Mmo Simulator | PS4 | €2.19 | −70% |
Goat Simulator: Goatz | PS4 | €2.19 | −70% |
Goat Simulator: Payday | PS4 | €2.19 | −70% |
Goat Simulator: Waste Of Space | PS4 | €2.19 | −70% |
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone 1St Encore Pack | PS4 | €5.99 | −40% |
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone 2Nd Encore Pack | PS4 | €5.99 | −40% |
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone 3Rd Encore Pack | PS4 | €5.99 | −40% |
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone Bundle | PS4 | €32.99 | −40% |
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone Colorful Tone | PS4 | €17.99 | −40% |
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone Future Sound | PS4 | €17.99 | −40% |
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone Unlock Key | PS4 | €7.92 | −39% |
Helldivers Mega Pacchetto Rinforzi | PS4 | €3.99 | −80% |
Helldivers Mega Pacchetto Rinforzi | PS Vita | €3.99 | −80% |
Helldivers Mega Pacchetto Rinforzi | PS3 | €3.99 | −80% |
Holmer Dlc | PS4 | €6.59 | −34% |
Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds | PS4 | €12.99 | −35% |
Itrunner | PS4 | €5.27 | −34% |
Jcb | PS4 | €6.49 | −35% |
Just Cause 3 - Kousavá Rifle | PS4 | €0.49 | −80% |
Just Cause 3: Bavarium Sea Heist | PS4 | €1.19 | −80% |
Just Cause 3: Mech Land Assault | PS4 | €2.39 | −80% |
Just Cause 3: Pass Espansioni 'Aria, Terra E Mare' | PS4 | €4.49 | −70% |
Just Cause 3: Reaper Missile Mech | PS4 | €0.99 | −80% |
Just Cause 3: Sky Fortress | PS4 | €2.39 | −80% |
Kuhn Equipment Pack | PS4 | €10.04 | −33% |
La Terra Di Mezzo: L'Ombra Di Mordor Pass Stagionale | PS4 | €9.99 | −60% |
Mafia III Season Pass | PS4 | €14.99 | −50% |
Mafia III: Corri, Dolcezza! | PS4 | €7.49 | −50% |
Mafia III: Faccende In Sospeso | PS4 | €7.49 | −50% |
Mafia III: Segno Dei Tempi | PS4 | €4.99 | −50% |
Mortal Kombat X Bundle Jason Voorhees | PS4 | €3.19 | −60% |
Mortal Kombat X Jason Voorhees | PS4 | €1.99 | −60% |
Mortal Kombat X Leatherface | PS4 | €1.99 | −60% |
Mortal Kombat X Pack Kombat 2 | PS4 | €9.99 | −50% |
Mortal Kombat X Pack Kombat | PS4 | €4.99 | −50% |
Mortal Kombat X Pack XL | PS4 | €12.49 | −50% |
Mortal Kombat X Sblocca Tutti Gli Oggetti Della Kripta | PS4 | €9.99 | −50% |
Motorstorm Revenge Weekend | PS3 | €1.99 | −66% |
Mxgp3 — Season Pass | PS4 | €8.99 | −40% |
New Holland | PS4 | €4.47 | −36% |
Nioh — Drago Del Nord | PS4 | €5.99 | −40% |
Nioh — La Fine Del Massacro | PS4 | €5.99 | −40% |
Nioh — Onore Sprezzante | PS4 | €5.99 | −40% |
Nioh — Season Pass | PS4 | €12.99 | −48% |
Pacchetto Armi Esplosive | PS4 | €0.79 | −80% |
Pacchetto Di Espansione Driveclub Lamborghini Icons | PS4 | €2.99 | −50% |
Pacchetto Di Espansione Driveclub Lamborghini | PS4 | €2.99 | −50% |
Pacchetto Di Espansione Driveclub Punto Di Corda | PS4 | €2.99 | −50% |
Pacchetto Di Espansione Driveclub Rpm | PS4 | €2.99 | −50% |
Pacchetto Di Espansione Resogun: Defenders | PS4 | €1.99 | −60% |
Pacchetto Espansione Driveclub Bikes Mv Agusta | PS4 | €1.99 | −44% |
Pacchetto Espansione Driveclub Bikes Suzuki | PS4 | €1.99 | −44% |
Pacchetto Espansione Driveclub Horsepower | PS4 | €2.99 | −50% |
Pacchetto Espansione Driveclub Linea Rossa | PS4 | €2.99 | −50% |
Pacchetto Espansione Driveclub No Limits | PS4 | €1.99 | −44% |
Pacchetto Espansione Driveclub Turbocharged | PS4 | €2.99 | −50% |
Pacchetto Espansione Heroes Di Resogun | PS4 | €1.99 | −60% |
Pacchetto Mappe Varietà Per Call Of Duty: Mwr (Efigsp) | PS4 | €7.96 | −45% |
Pack Espansione Coop Online Intercept | PS4 | €1.99 | −80% |
Pack Ribelle | PS4 | €1.99 | −80% |
Riunione Familiare | PS4 | €2.49 | −50% |
Season Pass Di Driveclub | PS4 | €5.99 | −53% |
Season Pass Di Resogun | PS4 | €2.49 | −68% |
Sébastien Loeb Rally Evo — Season Pass | PS4 | €13.49 | −55% |
Sniper Elite 4 — Deathstorm Part 1: Inception | PS4 | €2.79 | −60% |
Sniper Elite 4 — Deathstorm Part 2: Infiltration | PS4 | €2.79 | −60% |
Sniper Elite 4 — Deathstorm Part 3: Obliteration | PS4 | €2.79 | −60% |
Sniper Elite 4 — Obiettivo Führer | PS4 | €3.99 | −60% |
Sniper Elite 4 — Season Pass | PS4 | €13.99 | −60% |
Sniper Elite 4 — Urban Assault Expansion Pack | PS4 | €3.19 | −60% |
The Last Of Us - Left Behind | PS3 | €1.99 | −80% |
The Surge: A Walk In The Park (Dlc) | PS4 | €10.04 | −33% |
Tractor Pack Dlc | PS4 | €2.99 | −40% |
Tropico 5 — Espionage | PS4 | €3.99 | −60% |
Tropico 5 — Waterborne | PS4 | €3.99 | −60% |
Wolfenstein II: Cronache Della Libertà — Season Pass | PS4 | €14.99 | −40% |
Xcom 2: Cacciatori Di Alieni | PS4 | €4.99 | −50% |
Xcom 2: Figli Dell'Anarchia | PS4 | €2.49 | −50% |
Xcom 2: L'Ultimo Regalo Di Shen | PS4 | €4.99 | −50% |
Xcom 2: War Of The Chosen | PS4 | €25.99 | −35% |
Xcom 2—Pacchetto Guerriglieri Della Resistenza | PS4 | €2.49 | −50% |