lunedì 20 novembre 2017

[Lista Trofei] ZombieVital DG

Stranissimo strategico in tempo reale giapponese (o almeno cosi sembra), ma ha una lista Trofei in lingua inglese. In attesa di capire se arriverà mai da noi in Occidente, leggiamo gli Obiettivi:

Trofeo di Platino:
  • Master of ZombieVital DG - Master of ZombieVital DG

Trofei d'Oro:
  1. Dragon birth - Hatched a Dragon Egg
  2. Finish a game - Finished game and watched ending
  3. Vaster Dragon birth - Created a Vaster Dragon
  4. Genrei Knight kill - Killed a Genrei Knight
  5. Spirial Knight kill - Killed the Spirial Knight
  6. Wizard kill - Killed a Wizard
  7. Bottom layer arrival - Built down to the bottom level
  8. 1000 kill - Killed 1000 Heroes
  9. Vital Dragon birth - Created a Vital Dragon

Trofei d'Argento:
  1. 100 kill - Killed 100 Heroes
  2. The first combined - Synthesized a new monster
  3. The first Last-Boss - Set a monster as Last-Boss
  4. The first Big Four - Set monsters as the Big Four

Trofei di Bronzo:
  1. The first blood relatives - Killed a Hero
  2. Knight's Emblem - Placed a Knight's Emblem item
  3. Arrive at the B2 - Built down to level B2