giovedì 23 novembre 2017

Diffuso il File di Aggiornamento 1.04 di NFS Payback

Il racing/action game si aggiorna ancora:

Il prodotto adesso si porta cosi alla versione 1.04, con queste modifiche:
  • Tune-up shops now stock higher quality parts.
  • Improved quality of cards from targeted rolls in the Tune-up Shops.
  • Increased the level on parts awarded from winning events.
  • Multiple fixes to Improve stability.
  • Improved game performance.

E, più in dettaglio:

  • Decreased the time it takes for new parts to appear in Tune-Up shops, down from 30mins to 10mins.
  • Increased the amount of REP awarded by taking part in events.
  • Increased the amount of Bank awarded by taking part in events.
  • Bait crates now reward increased REP.
  • Bait crates now reward increased Bank.
  • Competing against a Roaming Racer will reward you with increased REP.
  • Competing against a Roaming Racer will reward you with increased Bank.
  • Increased rate in which parts are rewarded within Ranked Speedlists.
  • Air Suspension will now appear more frequently.
  • Slightly increased REP and Bank for finishing an event outside of first place.

Il file da scaricare è abbastanza importante, visto che si parla di un download di circa 5 GB. Siamo abituati a dimensioni anche molto più imponenti di questa, ma è indubbio che ci vorrà un pochino per ottenere i benefici di questa nuova patch.

Need For Speed Payback è uscito lo scorso 10 Novembre 2017