Avventura 2D sottomarina in stile pixel art, c'è il Platino. Questi i dettagli:
Trofeo di Platino:
- Ultimate Survivor - Unlock All trophies
Trofei d'Oro:
- The Guardian - Kill the ironjelly
- The Last Human - Complete Hardcore mode
- Possimpible - Complete the game without any upgrade crates
- Play To Kill - Complete Boss-rush Mode
- Modern Times - Find all the upgrades
- Readit - Read all holotapes
- ...And the rest is lost - Complete the game
Trofei d'Argento:
- The Defiler - Kill the lobster
- The Experiment - Kill the bloodray
- The Heart Of The City - Kill the flower
- The Parasite - Kill the gross parasite
- Hunter - Kill 100 fish
- The Chain Gang - Kill the Hammerheads
- The False Light - Kill the anglerfish
- Sadist - Incapacitate the Tranquil
- The Tranquil - Kill the octopus
- The Forgotten One - Kill the zombie fish
- The Fathers - Kill the seahorses
Trofei di Bronzo:
- The Worm - Kill the worm
- Hardcore - Unlock hardcore mode
- Human Race Extinct - You're the last human. Extinguish the human race.