domenica 14 maggio 2017

[Lista Trofei] Crossout

Lo hanno definito come "il figlio segreto di Mad Max e Twisted Metal", si tratta di un MMO Action dove si utilizzano veicoli super armati. Ecco i suoi Trofei:

Trofei d'Oro :
  1. Master engineer - Reach reputation level 30 with ‘Engineers’

Trofei d'Argento :
  1. Assassin - Destroy 2000 player vehicles by any means
  2. Artisan - Build 50 of any parts
  3. Magnate - Manufacture a legendary part

Trofei di Bronzo :
  1. Journeyman Engineer - Reach reputation level 5 with ‘Engineers’
  2. Craftsman - Manufacture a rare part
  3. Industrialist - Build an epic part
  4. Raider - Successfully complete 500 raids
  5. Challenger - Complete 30 daily challenges
  6. Shopaholic - Buy 10 goods on the market
  7. Fence - Sell 10 goods on the market
  8. Butcher - Destroy or help destroy 3000 enemies in PvE
  9. Eradicator - Successfully complete 10 ‘Leviathan’ raids