domenica 9 aprile 2017

[Lista Trofei] VR Invaders

FPS Arcade per VR, senza Platino. I dettagli:

Trofei d'Oro :
  1. A much-loved celebrity - Complete a level and earn 3 gold stars

Trofei d'Argento :
  1. Run, hide, improvise - Complete a level, not using slow mo power
  2. If zombies could infect rocks and trees - Reach wave 10 in survival mode
  3. A bunch of disoriented bees - Survive for 3 minutes in target practice mode

Trofei di Bronzo :
  1. Who’s our damsel in distress today? - Reach Alice Gella
  2. That damned microwave - Fight the AI
  3. How long's it been? - Meet Samuel
  4. Galaxy Border 8 - Shoot 25 enemy bullets during one mission
  5. So now I'm, what, a gladiator? - Reach x10 combo
  6. Is this all just a game for you? - Reach x20 combo
  7. Well deserved sleep - Destroy 25 enemy drones in slow mo during one mission
  8. The debugger gave me a gun and a shield - Complete a level, taking no damage