mercoledì 8 febbraio 2017

PlayStation Store: Quasi 170 nuovi Sconti, c'è The Witcher 3 GOTY a 24,99 €

Come tradizione, in presenza di grandi ondate di nuovi sconti sul PS Store, PSE sceglie un solo prodotto tra le tante offerte per dare un po di identità al post. E la scelta stavolta cade sul bellissimo RPG The Witcher 3, da oggi in forte sconto.

I nuovi sconti sono già attivi sul PS Store e dureranno per due settimane, terminando dunque nella giornata del 23 Febbraio 2017.

In questo momento è difficile dire come è stata chiamata l'iniziativa, il post sarà aggiornato in merito quando arriveranno gli inevitabili comunicati ufficiali. Ma intanto, ed è questa la cosa che conta, diamo uno sguardo ai nuovi sconti:

L'iniziativa si chiama semplicemente "Sconti di Febbraio", e prevede tutti i seguenti giochi in saldo:

PlayStation 4 (110 Sconti)

GiocoPrezzo ScontatoPrezzo PS PlusSconto
A.O.T. Wings of Freedom€29.99   €29.99−50%
Adam's Venture: Origins€11.99   €11.99−76%
Adam's Venture: Origins - Deluxe Edition€14.99   €14.99−73%
Air Conflicts Vietnam Ultimate Edition€14.99   €14.99−70%
Alekhine's Gun€14.99   €9.99−80%
Alien: Isolation - The Collection€11.99   €11.99−78%
Alien: Isolation €8.99   €8.99−74%
AQUA KITTY - Milk Mine Defender DX€2.99   €2.99−55%
Armello™€7.99   €7.99−60%
Atelier Sophie ~The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book~€29.99   €23.99−60%
Binaries€5.49   €5.49−50%
BioShock: The Collection€29.99   €24.99−50%
BLADESTORM: Nightmare€14.99   €14.99−75%
Bridge Constructor€4.99   €4.99−50%
Call of Duty: Black Ops III Digital Deluxe€59.99   €44.99−55%
Call of Duty®: Black Ops III - Gold Edition€26.99   €26.99−61%
Casey Powell Lacrosse 16€14.99   €14.99−67%
Coffin Dodgers€3.99   €1.59−87%
Crystal Rift€5.99   €5.99−40%
Dangerous Golf™€6.99   €4.29−76%
DARIUSBURST Chronicle Saviours€17.99   €17.99−70%
Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition€14.99   €14.99−50%
DEAD OR ALIVE 5 Last Round€19.99   €13.99−65%
Destiny® - The Collection€29.99   €29.99−50%
Dishonored 2€34.99   €34.99−50%
DYNASTY WARRIORS 8 Empires€14.99   €14.99−70%
DYNASTY WARRIORS 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition€19.99   €14.99−40%
Far Cry Primal€19.99   €19.99−50%
FAR CRY PRIMAL - APEX EDITION€21.99   €21.99−51%
Farming Simulator 15€13.99   €13.99−65%
GAROU: MARK OF THE WOLVES™€7.99   €7.99−47%
Gone Home€6.99   €6.99−65%
Grim Fandango Remastered€6.99   €3.99−73%
Grow Home€2.99   €2.99−63%
Grow Up€3.99   €3.99−60%
Guns, Gore and Cannoli€3.99   €3.99−60%
Il Mondo di Nubla€8.99   €5.99−60%
Industry Giant 2€19.99   €19.99−50%
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven€24.99   €24.99−64%
Jotun: Valhalla Edition€9.99   €9.99−44%
J-Stars Victory VS+ Digital Edition€11.99   €11.99−60%
Just Cause 3€19.99   €19.99−71%
Just Cause 3 XL Edition€24.99   €24.99−74%
Killing Floor 2€24.99   €18.99−53%
La Grande avventura di Snoopy€9.99   €9.99−80%
La Terra di Mezzo™: L'Ombra di Mordor™ Legion Edition €14.99   €14.99−70%
LEGO® BATMAN™ 3: GOTHAM E OLTRE€14.99   €14.99−75%
LEGO® Jurassic World™€24.99   €18.99−68%
LEGO® Marvel Super Heroes€24.99   €15.99−73%
LEGO® The Hobbit€14.99   €14.99−75%
Lichdom: Battlemage€19.99   €12.49−75%
Loading Human™: Chapter 1€24.99   €24.99−38%
Mafia III€34.99   €34.99−50%
Mafia III Deluxe Edition€44.99   €44.99−50%
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance Bundle€29.99   €29.99−50%
Metro 2033 Redux€8.99   €8.99−55%
Metro Redux€12.99   €12.99−57%
Metro: Last Light Redux€8.99   €8.99−55%
Moto Racer 4€19.99   €19.99−50%
MXGP2 - Special Edition€34.99   €26.99−66%
MXGP2 - The Official Motocross Videogame€29.99   €22.99−67%
MXGP2 - The Official Motocross Videogame Compact€9.99   €9.99−50%
N.E.R.O.: Nothing Ever Remains Obscure - Deluxe Edition€9.99   €9.99−60%
NECROPOLIS: A Diabolical Dungeon Delve€21.99   €15.99−47%
One Piece Burning Blood€24.99   €24.99−64%
Plague Inc: Evolved€5.99   €5.99−60%
Pro Evolution Soccer 2017€19.99   €19.99−67%
Project CARS€14.99   €14.99−50%
Prototype® pacchetto Biohazard€17.99   €17.99−64%
Prototype®2€14.99   €14.99−63%
PROTOTYPE™€9.99   €9.99−67%
Retro City Rampage™ DX€3.99   €1.99−80%
REUS - Deluxe Edition€14.99   €14.99−44%
Romance of The Three Kingdoms 13€29.99   €29.99−50%
Rugby Challenge 3€29.99   €29.99−57%
Saints Row Metro Double Pack€19.99   €19.99−64%
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse€8.99   €8.99−55%
Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut€5.99   €5.99−50%
Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments€14.99   €11.99−60%
Shu€6.99   €6.99−42%
Sky Force Anniversary€4.99   €3.49−65%
Strike Vector EX€4.99   €4.99−67%
Super Dungeon Bros€13.99   €9.99−50%
Table Top Racing: World Tour€7.99   €4.99−67%
Terra di Mezzo™:L'Ombra di Mordor™-Edizione Game of the Year€19.99   €19.99−67%
The Crew® Ultimate Edition€29.99   €29.99−40%
THE KING OF FIGHTERS XIV€29.99   €23.99−60%
The LEGO® Movie Videogame€14.99   €14.99−75%
The Talos Principle€12.99   €12.99−68%
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Game of the Year Edition€29.99   €24.99−50%
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition€9.99   €9.99−67%
Tony Hawk's® Pro Skater™ 5€12.99   €12.99−68%
Tour de France 2016€14.99   €14.99−63%
TowerFall Ascension€5.99   €5.99−57%
Trackmania® Turbo€19.99   €15.99−60%
Transfomers: Devastation€14.99   €14.99−70%
TRANSFORMERS: La Caduta di Cybertron€14.99   €14.99−70%
Transformers: The Dark Spark Gold Edition€14.99   €14.99−79%
UNCHARTED™ 4: Fine di un ladro Edizione digitale€24.99   €24.99−58%
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide€19.99   €19.99−50%
WARRIORS OROCHI 3 Ultimate€19.99   €14.99−40%
Watch Dogs® 2 - Deluxe Edition€44.99   €44.99−44%
Watch Dogs®2€39.99   €39.99−43%
Watch Dogs®2 - Gold Edition€64.99   €64.99−41%
WRC 5 eSports Edition€14.99   €14.99−25%
WWE 2K17€34.99   €34.99−50%
WWE 2K17 Digital Deluxe€49.99   €49.99−50%
Yesterday Origins€19.99   €19.99−50%

PlayStation 3 (45 Sconti)

GiocoPrezzo ScontatoPrezzo PS PlusSconto
AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed€6.99   €6.99−65%
BioShock€3.99   €3.99−73%
BioShock 2 - Raccolta completa€6.99   €6.99−77%
BioShock Infinite: Edizione Finale€7.49   €7.49−85%
Bound by Flame™€6.99   €6.99−65%
Call of Duty®: Black Ops III€24.99   €24.99−58%
CONTRAST™€4.99   €4.99−50%
J-Stars Victory VS+ Digital Edition€7.99   €7.99−60%
Just Cause 2 Ultimate Edition€4.99   €4.99−67%
Just Cause 3€19.99   €19.99−71%
Just Cause 3 XL Edition€24.99   €24.99−74%
La Terra di Mezzo™: L'Ombra di Mordor™ Legion Edition€9.99   €9.99−50%
LEGO© Jurassic World™€13.99   €13.99−65%
LEGO® Batman™ 2: DC Super Heroes€9.99   €9.99−33%
LEGO® BATMAN™ 3: GOTHAM E OLTRE€9.99   €9.99−67%
LEGO® Harry Potter™: Anni 5-7€9.99   €9.99−33%
LEGO® Il Signore degli Anelli™€9.99   €9.99−50%
LEGO® Il Signore degli Anelli™€9.99   €9.99−50%
LEGO® Marvel Super Heroes€9.99   €9.99−50%
LEGO® The Hobbit€9.99   €9.99−50%
Mafia II€7.99   €7.99−73%
Max Payne 3€4.99   €4.99−75%
Max Payne 3 Complete€6.99   €6.99−80%
Metro: Last Light€4.99   €3.49−77%
Metro: Last Light Complete Edition€7.99   €5.99−70%
ONE PIECE : Pirate Warriors€4.49   €4.49−70%
ONE PIECE : Pirate Warriors - Grand Line Edition€5.99   €5.99−70%
Pacchetto franchise Transformers€14.99   €14.99−70%
Pro Evolution Soccer 2017€14.99   €14.99−70%
RDR Undead Nightmare€4.99   €4.99−67%
Retro City Rampage™ DX€3.99   €1.99−80%
SAMURAI WARRIORS 4€9.99   €9.99−80%
SAMURAI WARRIORS 4 Empires€12.99   €12.99−68%
SAMURAI WARRIORS 4-II€12.99   €12.99−68%
Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments€6.99   €6.99−53%
Sky Force Anniversary€4.99   €3.49−65%
Spec Ops: The Line€4.99   €4.99−75%
The Darkness II€4.99   €4.99−67%
The LEGO® Movie Videogame€9.99   €9.99−50%
Tour de France 2015€9.99   €9.99−50%
TRANSFORMERS: La Caduta di Cybertron€9.99   €9.99−67%
Transformers: The Dark Spark Gold Edition€9.99   €9.99−75%
WWE 2K17€19.99   €19.99−60%
WWE 2K17 Digital Deluxe€29.99   €29.99−57%

PlayStation Vita (24 Sconti)

GiocoPrezzo ScontatoPrezzo PS PlusSconto
AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed€6.99   €6.99−65%
AQUA KITTY - Milk Mine Defender DX€2.99   €2.99−55%
Atelier Sophie ~The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book~€19.99   €19.99−50%
DARIUSBURST Chronicle Saviours€14.99   €14.99−63%
GAROU: MARK OF THE WOLVES™€7.99   €7.99−47%
Grim Fandango Remastered€6.99   €3.99−73%
J-Stars Victory VS+ Digital Edition€7.99   €7.99−60%
LEGO® BATMAN™ 3: GOTHAM E OLTRE€9.99   €9.99−50%
LEGO® Harry Potter™: Anni 5-7€9.99   €9.99−50%
LEGO® Il Signore degli Anelli™€9.99   €9.99−50%
LEGO® Jurassic World™€9.99   €9.99−67%
LEGO® Marvel™ Super Heroes€9.99   €9.99−50%
LEGO® Ninjago™: L'Ombra di Ronin€9.99   €9.99−50%
LEGO® Ninjago™: Nindroids™€9.99   €9.99−50%
LEGO® The Hobbit€9.99   €9.99−50%
Retro City Rampage™ DX€3.99   €1.99−80%
SAMURAI WARRIORS 4€9.99   €9.99−75%
SAMURAI WARRIORS 4 Empires€12.99   €12.99−68%
SAMURAI WARRIORS 4-II€12.99   €12.99−68%
Sky Force Anniversary€4.99   €3.49−65%
The LEGO® Movie Videogame€9.99   €9.99−50%
TowerFall Ascension€5.99   €5.99−57%
WARRIORS OROCHI 3 Ultimate€14.99   €14.99−63%