mercoledì 7 settembre 2016

[Lista Trofei] Stardust Galaxy Warriors: Stellar Climax

Platino anche per questo bello shooter con supporto alla co-op. Ecco tutti gli Obiettivi che si possono ottenere:

Trofei di Bronzo :
  1. Without a scratch - Beat a campaign level without taking health damage.
  2. Why is there a rock? - Destroy the rock in Abyssal Wreck level.
  3. There's always that one guy... - Beat a campaign level in multiplayer with only one player collecting powerups.
  4. The Exterminator - Get rid of 5000 Organic enemies.
  5. Systematic Overfishing - Sink 5000 Marine enemies.
  6. Stardust Galaxy Customs - Create and play a game with a custom option preset.
  7. Rocky Road - Beat Asteroid Field level in Campaign mode.
  8. Return to sender - Destroy an enemy with its own bullet.
  9. North Pole - Beat Frozen Skies level in Campaign mode.
  10. MaXXXed out! - Max out any single mech stat.
  11. Master Scrapper - Disassemble 5000 Mechanical enemies.
  12. Machine Uprising - Beat Robot Factory level in Campaign game mode.
  13. Genericide - Destroy 5000 Generic enemies.
  14. Gaunlet Rookie - Reach stage 5 in gauntlet mode using "Normal" custom settings preset.
  15. Gaunlet Master - Reach stage 15 in gauntlet mode using "Normal" custom settings preset.
  16. Gaunlet Cadet - Reach stage 10 in gauntlet mode using Normal custom settings preset.
  17. Gas Pass - Beat Gas Giant Rings level in Campaign game mode.
  18. Full Arsenal - Use all available weapons.
  19. Friend Zone - Play a game with a friend.
  20. Et tu, Brute? - Kill another player with friendly fire.
  21. Enter the Gauntlet - Play a game in gauntlet mode.
  22. Diversity - Use all mech classes.
  23. Disco Will Live On In My Heart - Enjoy the disco.
  24. Disco Go Funk Yourself - Do not enjoy the disco.
  25. Deep Purple - Buy an epic upgrade.
  26. Davy Jones' Locker - Beat Abyssal Wreck level in Campaign mode.
  27. CLEAR! - Revive a fallen friend 10 times.
  28. Chase Scene - Beat Scrapyard level in Campaign game mode.
  29. Challenge Accepted - Play a game in challenge mode.
  30. Bugfix - Beat Alien Hive level in Campaign game mode.
  31. Beach Resort - Beat Water World level in Campaign mode.
  32. Apophis Rising - Beat Unstable Sun level in Campaign game mode.

Trofei d'Argento:
  1. Totally Not Random - Get all post-level honorary titles.
  2. Saving For a Rainy Day - Beat the campaign without buying anything from the Junk Merchant.
  3. Napalm Death - Beat the campaign using only flamethrower as the primary weapon.
  4. It was me all along! - Beat the Campaign game mode.
  5. High Roller - Spend a lot of money buying upgrades.
  6. Gaunlet Guru - Reach stage 20 in gauntlet mode using "Normal" custom settings preset.

Trofei d'Oro:
  1. You Only Live Once - Beat the campaign without a player dying or being incapacitated.
  2. Unbearable - Beat a single player campaign using the "Iron Man" preset and only Black Bear.
  3. Gaunlet Legend - Reach stage 25 in gauntlet mode using "Normal" custom settings preset.
  4. Beat 'em up - Beat the campaign using only melee and abilities.

Trofeo di Platino:
  • Galaxy Warrior - Unlock every trophy in the game.