mercoledì 10 dicembre 2014

Nuovi File di aggiornamento per Dragon Age: Inquisition e The Last of Us

Continua l'ondata di patch importanti : oggi è il turno di due ottimi prodotti, vale a dire The Last of Us e il cosiddetto "GOTY 2014" Dragon Age Inquisition. Vediamo cosa hanno di nuovo da offrire :

Partiamo proprio con il videogame BioWare, che modifica e corregge parecchi aspetti del prodotto : migliora la stabilità generale, aumenta il numero di slot di salvataggio a proprio disposizione, rislve bug legati alle modalità multiplayer e tanto tanto altro. Una patch davvero enorme, come potete vedere qui :

Single Player

Fixed case where game would incorrectly think the player has more than one race/class/gender
Fixed case where users who changed their voice off of default, would have their voice set back to default when interacting with Hawke’s chargen settings.
Increased duration that search highlights things, and added highlighted items to radar while they are highlighted.
Fixed several conversation lines which would take a very long time to advance to the next line unless they were manually skipped.
Fixed case where followers could float above the ground after extended periods of play
Assorted stability improvements
Fixed crash that could occur after some conversations
Certain boss creatures are now immune to Disruption Field
Creatures in rag doll will now pause when the game is paused
Fix to Spirit Blade so it longer triggers combos
Fixed a couple focus abilities to be weapon agnostic
Fixed a few DA Keep world state import reactivity checks.
Fixed a few situations that could result in there being no conversation selection indicator during conversations
Fixed an issue caused by changing characters at the same as targeting an AOE ability
Fixed Audio cutting out when using AOE abilities while radial menu is open.
Fixed being unable to finish quest “Safe Keeping” if the user places key fragments in the forger, then leaves the zone without getting the finished key.
Fixed camera shaking when making small camera adjustments during character creation
Fixed case where blizzard would pause the game when it turns off
Fixed case where controller rumble would get permanently disabled
Fixed case where Imshael could end up in a location where players could not fight him.
Fixed case where interaction text would not update in tactical camera
Fixed case where mana or stamina was incorrectly displayed on mounted character’s portraits
Fixed case where users could get stuck loading a save in a certain dragon combat area
Fixed case where users could get stuck on an infinite “Connecting to Dragon Age Servers”
Fixed Crippling Blows to have a 15% damage bonus instead of .15%
Fixed Cullen’s hair having some strange shadows during cinematics
Fixed exploit that would allow bypassing ability cool-downs in certain circumstances
Fixed exploit that would allow users to take no damage.
Fixed issue where orders to interact with trebuchets made in tactical mode were un-interruptable.
Fixed issue where user loses control of the party if he enters tactical camera at the same time as a cinematic triggers
Fixed issue which could cause potion counts to be reset due to party member changes.
Fixed issue which could result in an infinite “Connecting to Dragon Age Servers” on the main menu.
Fixed issue which could result in the Radial menu not staying open
Fixed issue which could result in the screen re-sizing UI to stop working until exiting and re-entering the screen re-sizing UI.
Fixed scripted autosave in the western approach which was made which if loaded could result in certain NPCs to not show up until after leaving the area and coming back.
Fixed situation where followers could get stuck while pathfinding to the player.
Fixed some of the collectible books being non-interactive in Skyhold
Fixed slot types on several crafted items
Fixed some item names getting cut off in stores
Fixed weapon type on several crafted weapon parts.
Ground rings scale on Dragons in Tactical Camera
Radar will be shown during radar tutorial, even if the UI is set to be hidden
Radar will show way points immediately after coming out of UIs, no longer requires player to move first.
Target lock is cleared when entering tactical mode.
Unified sort order for stat listings during item modification

Platform-Specific Single Player Fixes

[PC] Fixed some hitching in conversations.
[PC] Pressing the interact key (default “F”) will take everything from containers.
[PC] Hair should be less shiny on lower quality settings.
[PC] Improved push-to-talk functionality when using keyboard and mouse
[PC] Added ability to rotate character models with the mouse in UI’s that show character models
[PC] Added an option to enable / disable tactical camera on mouse wheel scroll out.
[PC] Hiding the HUD on the PC will now hide all UI elements
[PC] Fixed being able to drag abilities from a tree that was not selected onto the quickbar
[PC] Fixed being able to toggle UI state for the tactical camera on the quickbar when the tactical camera is unusable
[PC] Fixed case where clicking quickbar elements in Eyefinity would trigger attacks
[PC] fixed case where extra mouse-up events were triggering in UIs
[PC] Fixed issue where mouse-up events were missed when dragging off of UI elements and then releasing the mouse button
[PC] Fixed loading Icon not animating while Mantle creates shaders during load screens.
[PC] Fixed mouse cursor flashing while targeting AOEs
[PC] Fixed situation that could result in a hang on the start menu.
[PC] Fixed situation where war table could become non-interactive until users right clicked on it.
[PC] Fixed situation which could cause mouse-look to snap to a facing rather than turning smoothly
[PC] Holding right click and pressing the camera turn buttons in tactical camera will cause the cursor to strafe in the same manner the camera behaves outside tactical camera
[PC] Made some changes that should improve Mantle performance
[PC] quickbar indicator for pause state should no longer remain highlighted when game is not paused
[PS3] Increased number of save slots to 30
[PS4] Improved conversation performance during fast install
[PS4] Increased number of save slots to 50
[360] Fixed case where movies sometimes decoded incorrectly
[360] Fixed Crash when selecting storage device when select storage device warning is present
[360] Fixed the online connection error being displayed twice when attempting to login to Origin with no Xbox live connection.


Fixed issue which could result in negative XP being granted in some multiplayer matches
Fixed crash that could occur while switching characters in some multiplayer menus
Cursed chests in multiplayer no longer look different from un-cursed ones
Fixed some missing information on end of match screens when servers are slow in Multiplayer.
Fixed Players losing their ability to target when dying while recovering object in multiplayer
Fixed situation where host migration after end of match would fail to show end of match details for the remaining players
Fixed issue with players being interrupted while interacting with objects in Multiplayer
Fixed issue where host can be returned to an empty lobby after quitting out of a match while in the operation failed state
Improved appearance of ledge drop-downs in multiplayer.
Fixed case which could cause keys to not drop in Multiplayer
Fixed case in Multiplayer where players could attempt to use abilities while dead.

Nel frattempo si sta aggiornando anche The Last of Us, sia su PS3 (versione 1.11) che su PS4 (1.06), con un File di sistema realizzato non solo per correggere alcuni bug ma soprattutto per aggiungere nuove cose e ribilanciare alcuni aspetti del gameplay, il tutto logicamente in modalità multiplayer. 

Anche in questo caso, potete trovare tutti i dettagli dell'aggiornamento semplicemente qui sotto :

Factions Multiplayer

New DLC Executions

Rifle (Semi-Auto, Burst Rifle, Full Auto, Variable Rifle, Scoped Semi Auto, Scoped Full Auto)
Automatic Rifle (Assault Rifle, Specter)
Sniper (Hunting Rifle, Military Sniper)
Revolver (Revolver, El Diablo)
Pistol (9mm, Enforcer)
Ground Shiv (unarmed, pistol)
Stealth Shiv (from-behind and smoke-stunned shiv executions)
Shotgun (Shotgun, Double Barrel, Tactical Shotgun)

New DLC Weapons

Tactical Shotgun
Burst Pistol
Short Rifle

New DLC Survival Skills

Lone Wolf
Second Chance
Jack of All Trades
Lucky Break
Lethal Efficiency

New DLC Headgear

Viking Hat
Plague Mask
Smiley Mask
Outlaw Mask
Ski Goggles
Broken Gas Mask
Urban Camo Helmet
Ballistic Helmet

New DLC Gestures

Dust Myself Off
Evil Laugh
Game Over
You’re Done
Combat Formation
I’m Watching You


Agility footsteps are now as almost completely silent, like they are on PS3
Arrows now fly in the correct direction for players observing the firing player
Impact sounds from arrows are now audible
Fixed a bug where a player could not send invites
Fixed a bug that was kicking players who late-joined a game of Survivors
Shooting a downed player who is using Fortitude 2 now deals the proper amount of damage for all users
Scavenger 1 now gives the proper amount of ammo to a Variable Rifle user
Fixed a crash that can occur when spectating your teammates
Fixed several locations where graphics would drop out on High School and Hometown
Fixed location where spawning on a teammate could result in getting stuck inside geometry on University and High School
Fix for Late-Joiners possibly receiving more parts than intended when late-joining a game
Fix for center supply box on University not spawning a 2×4 when opening in Survivors
Fixed an issue with players being dropped from the lobby while searching for a matchmaking game
Fixed a bug for a player be awarded extra stats for defensive downs in Interrogation
Fixed a bug for a player be awarded extra stats for downing an attacker in Interrogations

Balance Changes

Weapon Balance

Silenced 9mm now costs one loadout point (was two)
Full Auto Rifle now has a silencer option for two additional loadout points
Full Auto Rifle upgrades now costs 300 / 600 parts (was 400 / 800)
Machete now costs two loadout points instead of three
Machete now gets one additional durability when modded

Part Rewards

Winning 4-0 in Survivors (Absolute Victory) now gives an additional 1500 parts
Winning 4-1 in Survivors (Decisive Victory) now gives an additional 500 parts
Executing an enemy who is on a streak now gives an additional 200 parts.  Players are considered to be on a streak when they have a total of six combined downs + executions without dying (e.g. downing and executing 3 players).
Players late-joining into a game with unbalanced teams will receive additional 200 late-join parts for every missing player on their team

Interrogation Spawning

Added logic to Interrogation spawning so players who are being spawn-camped around their lockbox should spawn further away from it
Updated Interrogation spawn points to provide more spawning options for players defending their lockbox on the following maps: Checkpoint, Lakeside, Bill’s Town, University, High School, Downtown, The Dam, Bookstore, Hometown, Bus Depot, Suburbs

TDM/Interrogation Spawning

Adjusted some TDM/Interrogation spawns on certain maps that were causing players to spawn too far from the action

Bill’s Town

Removed spawns behind garage


Removed spawns in back alley behind Theater building

High School

Removed most remote spawns in locker rooms
Removed most remote spawns in back of gymnasium
Added spawns inside gym closer to front doors
Removed most remote spawns in library
Removed most remote spawns above auto shop


Removed most remote spawns in administration buildings near upper start spawn
Removed duplicate set of spawns in upstairs sniper perch room above fountain
Removed most remote spawns in back of science building
Removed spawns on second floor walkway in science building (behind windows)

Water Tower

Water Tower item caches (uphill & downhill) have been move to safer locations

Cover Additions

Added selective cover to certain map locations which needed additional protection or sightline blocking for balance.
Checkpoint: low cover added to the ambulance outside the theater
Lakeside: low cover added next to the shed by the boat facing the gazebo
Lakeside: low cover added at the back of the building facing the supply box behind the general store
University: low cover added in both hallways where supply boxes are located
High School: low cover added behind the school bus facing the supply box outside next to the flagpole
High School: folded tables next to hallway supply box had the gaps at the bottom covered up; same with the folded table near the library spawn
Bill’s Town: truck at the bottom of the street had the open door and gaps below the truck blocked

Supply Box Adjustments

Adjusted supply box locations closest to each team spawn on Water Tower to provide more cover / defensibility

New DLC Executions (PS3)

Sniper (Hunting Rifle, Military Sniper)
Revolver (Revolver, El Diablo)
Pistol (9mm, Enforcer)
Stealth Shiv (from-behind and smoke-stunned shiv executions)
Shotgun (Shotgun, Double Barrel, Tactical Shotgun)

Additional Fixes (PS3)

Fix for Interrogation lockbox unlocking too quickly early in the match
Fix for the Launcher not awarding Long Range downs
Fixed a typo on the Emblem selection screen