domenica 16 settembre 2018

Lista Trofei: Reverse Crawl

Un RPG "alla rovescia", dove le regole canoniche sono stravolte. Un Platino davvero interessante:

Trofeo di Platino:

  • Master Crawler - You are the best evil Overlord!

Trofei d'Oro:

  1. Iron Golem - Unlock the Iron Golem power
  2. Completely Corrupted - Achieve the evil ending
  3. All the Books - Collect all three of Greybeard's books in one campaign
  4. Gutless - The easiest choice to make
  5. Crossing the Sage Twice - Complete two Sage quests in one campaign
  6. Hero Quests - Complete two Hero Party quests in one campaign
  7. Heartless - The cruellest choice to make
  8. Return of the King - Achieve either of the good endings
  9. Selfless - The hardest choice to make

Trofei d'Argento:

  1. Red Dragon - Unlock the Red Dragon power
  2. Horned Demon - Unlocked the Horned Demon power
  3. The Ambush - Complete Chapter 7
  4. Merchant Farming - Complete two Merchant quests in one campaign

Trofei di Bronzo:

  1. Taste of Evil - Trigger an Evil Power
  2. The Exiled Mage - Recruit Greybeard the Exiled Mage
  3. The Green Goblin - Recruit Bonehead the Goblin Shaman
  4. The Dark Elf - Recruit Violet the Dark Elf
  5. First Blood - Defeat a hero