domenica 16 settembre 2018

Lista Trofei: RGX: Showdown

Un nuovo racing game, anche se decisamente fuori dall'ordinario. Niente Platino per lui:

Trofei d'Oro:

  1. We are the Champions - Level up to "RGX Champion"

Trofei d'Argento:

  1. Gotta race 'em all - Collect 25 cars
  2. Petrolhead - Win a championship car
  3. Cream of the Crop - Finish in the top 10% in the Tournament

Trofei di Bronzo:

  1. New set of wheels - Win a new car
  2. I'd rather be shiny - Spend 1000 Garage Points on one respray
  3. Eat my dust - Win a race
  4. King of the Road - Win 100 races
  5. Lightspeed Racer - Win a race in an 'S' class car
  6. No thing but an aero wing - Win 30 races without using any Race Mods
  7. Lucky number 7 - Get a win streak of 7
  8. That was a close one - Get 500 near misses
  9. Turbo power - Get 50 perfect boosts