domenica 23 settembre 2018

Lista Trofei: HackyZack

Sembra un curioso mix tra un Platform 2D classico e un Arkanoid, il Platino c'è:

Trofeo di Platino:

  • Master Dribbler - 100% the game.

Trofei d'Oro:

  1. Get On My Level - Clear all of W6 target levels.
  2. Best Friend - Unlock Kelly as a Playable Character.
  3. Gotta Go Faster! - Beat all Target level Dev times.
  4. Gotta Go Fast! - Beat all Target level Normal times.
  5. Cute Alien - Unlock Leroy as a Playable Character.

Trofei d'Argento:

  1. Bullseye - Clear all of W1 target levels.
  2. Crystal Breaker - Clear all of W3 Target Levels.
  3. Evil Twin - Unlock Shadow as a Playable Character.
  4. Space Witch - Unlock Fara as a Playable Character.
  5. Fox Man - Unlock Fell as a Playable Character.
  6. Sword Bearer - Unlock Frog as a Playable Character.
  7. Target Practice - Clear all of W5 target levels.
  8. Isolation - Collect all stickers in W1.
  9. Golden Rings - Clear all of W4 target levels.
  10. Your Princess is in Another Castle - Clear all of W2 target levels.
  11. Acceptance - Collect all stickers in W6.
  12. Manipulation - Collect all stickers in W5.
  13. Expectations - Collect all stickers in W4.
  14. Self-Destruction - Collect all stickers in W3.
  15. Denial - Collect all stickers in W2.

Trofei di Bronzo:

  1. World 1 Squashed - Complete all levels in World 1
  2. World 5 Mashed - Complete all levels in World 5.
  3. World 4 Trampled - Complete all levels in World 4.
  4. World 3 Squeezed - Complete all levels in World 3.
  5. World 2 Crushed - Complete all levels in World 2.
  6. World 6 Pounded - Complete all levels in World 6.