domenica 5 agosto 2018

Lista Trofei: Slam Land

Un nuovo action/brawler da provare in compagnia, un'esplosione di colori e simpatia. Non c'è il Platino:

Trofei d'Oro:

  1. Fully loaded nut - Dunk a stack of 3 players and a peanut.

Trofei di Bronzo:

  1. Darknut - Toss out a peanut worth more than 20 points.
  2. I'll take that - Score with a peanut worth 20 or more points.
  3. Street Slam - Toss an opponent, catch them, and dunk them.
  4. Jam - Dunk another player.
  5. SLAMJAM - Dunk a 3 stack of players.
  6. True Zone - Get 5 dunks without dieing.
  7. HORSE in 30 seconds - Complete HORSE in 30 seconds or less.
  8. Bad Horse - Throw out a full spelling of horse and still win the round.
  9. Garbage Boy - Score 30 trash in 60 seconds or less.
  10. Alley poop - Grab an opponent who was tossed by someone else and dunk them.
  11. Beautiful eyes - Never get dunked in a round.
  12. Fall off boy - Fall off the edge 10 times or more in a single round.
  13. Bowser - Jump off the edge holding 3 opponents.
  14. Peapau - Punch anything into a goal.
  15. Mutombo - Iinterrupt 5 or more dunks in a single round.