martedì 28 agosto 2018

Lista Trofei: Fall of Light

RPG Action a visuale isometrica, c'è il Platino:

Trofeo di Platino:

  • Completionist - Collect all trophies to unlock the platinum trophy.

Trofei d'Oro:

  1. White Tulip - Collect all Echoes from the Other Side
  2. The Last Battle - Defeat the Guardian of the Threshold
  3. Down the Rabbit-Hole - Discover all secret areas
  4. A Mad Tea-Party - Talk with all NPCs
  5. The Pool of Tears - Collect all Fragments of Luce
  6. But that is another story and shall be told another time - Read all books
  7. The Magician's Nephew - Use all Shrines of Wisdom
  8. Home Again - Complete the game in Nightmare game mode

Trofei d'Argento:

  1. The Doors of Perception - Collect all Elemental Shards
  2. The Guardian of the Gates - Kill the Guardian of the Graveyard
  3. The Road Through the Forest - Kill the Guardian of the Water Shard
  4. The Home under the ground - Kill the Guardian of the Electricity Shard
  5. The Emperor-Over-the-Sea - Kill the King
  6. Attack to the giant's country - Kill all Giants
  7. Away to the South - Kill the Guardian of the Fire Shard

Trofei di Bronzo:

  1. Praise the Sun - Consume one sunray
  2. Fire walk with me - Kindle a bonfire
  3. One chants out between two worlds - Die
  4. The Rescue - Free Aether from a jail
  5. The Garden of Live Flowers - Consacrate a Shrine of Power
  6. The red pill - Complete the game with the normal ending
  7. The blue pill - Complete the game with the bad ending
  8. Which dreamed it? - Complete the game with the good ending

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